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Forums - Sony Discussion - The 'Why I Love My PS3' Thread - no negativity allowed

Sony fans unite!!   There's far too many threads over the last few days with a negative view about all things PS.

Do not be discouraged.  The PS3 is an amazing console with amazing games and awesome features.

Let's take a moment away from all the negativity and discuss what we love about the PS3, what we're looking forward too and our hopes for the future.

Remember - no negativity, there's plenty enough other threads to discuss those items already.


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Gamerace said:

Sony fans unite!!   There's far too many threads over the last few days with a negative view about all things PS.

Do not be discouraged.  The PS3 is an amazing console with amazing games and awesome features.

Let's take a moment away from all the negativity and discuss what we love about the PS3, what we're looking forward too and our hopes for the future.

Remember - no negativity, there's plenty enough other threads to discuss those items already.


Cool, quiet, blu-ray, lag-free cost-free online gameplay, I like the controller, great exclusives, I'm not poor so I can afford it.

This looks more like a denial thread...

I mean do you really need a thread to make everyone feel better about their PS3?

Just don't read those threads, if you love your PS3 then you love your PS3.


I love my PS3.

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

There is so much negativity, that I cant think of anything positive.



I loved my PS3 because I was able to sell it for more than I paid for it!

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709
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I love my PS3 because it conforts me every night when I'm feeling down (how can I resist them chrome strips), and sinse the price is so high I'm like the only one out of alot of people I know that owns a PS3 so I feel really special :D

pretty much everything. some pretty interesting exclusives, seamless media playback, backwards compatibility, fantastic original psn titles, quiet, good interface, and free online play. one of the best pieces of hardware i've ever owned.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Can I love my brother-in-laws PS3? Well, at least until EA makes an NHL game for the wii.......but until then, NHL 09 on PS3!

Why I love my PS3:

- Many great games.
- Eaten up more hours on CoD4 then I probably did than the most of the last generation. (My first online game that I played freqently).
- PS Store = lots of great small games which are brilliant for small bursts of fun.
- I seriously haven't been bored in the past year or so (combination of PS3 + my ever growing love of the Simpsons).
- Web browser extended my laying-in-bed-on-weekend time rapidly.
- First time I've ever games properly with friends.
- Brought me into that next level of gamer category... you know, the one that signs up to VGC.
- Downloading some classic PS1 titles caused some nostalgia.

My favourite games:

- Burnout: Paradise
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
- The Simpsons Game (where the FUCK is my DLC, EA? (sorry, no negativity))
- Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
- Call of Duty: Modern Combat
- Call of Duty: World at War
- Superstardust: HD
- Resistance: Fall of Man

Games coming to me over the next couple of weeks which I'm really looking forward to:

- LittleBigPlanet
- Echochrome (trophies sinched the deal)
- The Darkness (I will get this some day, I swear).

Games unreleased that I'm looking forward to:

- Killzone 2
- Infamous
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- God of War III
- Tekken 6
- Street Fighter IV
- New CoD

Games unannounced that I'm looking forward to:

- Any new Simpsons game
- New Burnout
- New Jak
- New Sly
- The Darkness 2
- New Rainbow Six.

Using PlayTV to record every single Family Guy episode!

Atari 2600, Sega Mega Drive, Game Boy, Game Boy Advanced, N64, Playstation, Xbox, PSP Phat, PSP 3000, and PS3 60gb (upgraded to 320gb), NDS

Linux Ubuntu user

Favourite game: Killzone 3