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Why I love my PS3:

- Many great games.
- Eaten up more hours on CoD4 then I probably did than the most of the last generation. (My first online game that I played freqently).
- PS Store = lots of great small games which are brilliant for small bursts of fun.
- I seriously haven't been bored in the past year or so (combination of PS3 + my ever growing love of the Simpsons).
- Web browser extended my laying-in-bed-on-weekend time rapidly.
- First time I've ever games properly with friends.
- Brought me into that next level of gamer category... you know, the one that signs up to VGC.
- Downloading some classic PS1 titles caused some nostalgia.

My favourite games:

- Burnout: Paradise
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
- The Simpsons Game (where the FUCK is my DLC, EA? (sorry, no negativity))
- Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
- Call of Duty: Modern Combat
- Call of Duty: World at War
- Superstardust: HD
- Resistance: Fall of Man

Games coming to me over the next couple of weeks which I'm really looking forward to:

- LittleBigPlanet
- Echochrome (trophies sinched the deal)
- The Darkness (I will get this some day, I swear).

Games unreleased that I'm looking forward to:

- Killzone 2
- Infamous
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- God of War III
- Tekken 6
- Street Fighter IV
- New CoD

Games unannounced that I'm looking forward to:

- Any new Simpsons game
- New Burnout
- New Jak
- New Sly
- The Darkness 2
- New Rainbow Six.