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Forums - Sony Discussion - Flash poll: Will the PS3 get a price cut in 2009? When?


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i made a similar thread bout this awhile ago asking people to give a detailed summary on how sony will cut there price the thread didn't get much posts or views maybe urs will

anyway i think there will b a new low model sku in feb-april with a 20g HDD and no wifi for 299 and the existing 80g will still be 399 then maybe at the end of 09 they will cut prices i think that if they the cut price of the 80g by 50$ it won't do much against a 199 arcade

heres the original thread with my prediction

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Q3 I picked.

4 ≈ One

Q3 would be my bet.

No price cut in 2009.

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The fact that most people voted for Q1 proves the fact most fanboys predict what they want to happen, as opposed to what is probable to happen.


Well, I went for Q1, and then I remembered all the shit that Sony's been going through recently.

Put me down for late Q3/early Q4

If Sony cuts the price in Q1 they are complete idiots. They were smart to stick with the current price point for this holiday. Sure they are admiting defeat, but it is better to admit you need to regroup or ive up than die trying to gain marketshare.

Sony needs to work hard to get a refined slimmer PS3 out buy late August, or early September. Launch it in in 2 skus:

120GB - $299
250GB - $399


Until then they have plenty of good games coming out to sustain a respectable amount of sales, and that is all that matters. Sony has to shift Playstation to a profitable brand.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


If Sony cuts the price in 2009, and that is a very big if, it will not be until Oct/Nov when it will have the most effect.

Q4 for me. It seems like it would be the best time for them to make a price cut, since the PS3 should become profitable by then (I recall then estimating that they would become profitable by the end of this fiscal year, but that was before the financial crisis - so an extra 6 months might possibly get them back on track). It would also have the largest affect on sales, especially since a large percentage of sales will happen during the last quarter of the calendar year.