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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will Ps3 sell 100 million units by 2011?

Easily. I think it might double that, actually.

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I dont think the PS3 will ever reach 100 million. I think Sony will be lucky if they sell even half of 100 million.

Elite1 said:

Why are so many people under the impression that the PS3 will stop selling in 3 years? Look at the damn PS1 and PS2. If these are anything to base the PS3 sales time frame on, and they are, the PS3 will sell well into the PS4's lifetime meaning not necessarily that it will reach 100 million but that it can sell easily for the next 5 years. By that time the price will have dropped significantly and it would not be absurd to think that then it could approach that magic number.

*first *

That's the problem, you can't base the PS3's life on the PS1 and PS2's. The PS1 and PS2 were extremely succesful consoles, they sold really well and kept selling well, so retailers rightfully decided to give those consoles lots of shelfspace.

The PS3 isn't succesful at all. It's a 3rd place console, no retailer is going to give it significant shelfspace when the next Xbox and Wii are out. There's not enough money to be made on the PS3 at that point.

Of course. Killzone2 will Push 45M units in it's launch week, Ps3 sales for that week will be about 31M.

Just click the quotes in my sig.

4 ≈ One

Elite1 said:

Why are so many people under the impression that the PS3 will stop selling in 3 years? Look at the damn PS1 and PS2. If these are anything to base the PS3 sales time frame on, and they are, the PS3 will sell well into the PS4's lifetime meaning not necessarily that it will reach 100 million but that it can sell easily for the next 5 years. By that time the price will have dropped significantly and it would not be absurd to think that then it could approach that magic number.

*first *

Perhaps because the length of time the PS3 is on the market is determined by it's sales.... if it doesn't sell well enough it will recieve less marketing and attention, causing it to slow down in sales faster and eventually be pulled from production.

Successful consoles go on to sell for long healthy lives. Unsuccessful consoles do not.

NES = 14yo when it was discontinued in America/Europe, and 20yo in Japan.
SNES = 13-14yo when it was discontnued
PS = just over 10yo when it was stopped
PS2 will likely manage just over 10 years too.

PS3 has not been so brilliant, and will not likely last much longer than the average console lifespan, it depends more on the next x box than past sony consoles (ie if MS release a new one in 2 years, Sony will need to respond, Nintendo won't care until the Wii slows down.)


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Just because the 360 (Had a year head start) and Wii (Don't mess with Blue Ocean Strategy) have higher install bases doesn't mean the PS3 is selling horribly. The PS3 is actually selling at a higher rate than the 360 (checked console charts on this site). Event though I do admit this holiday sales have gone down but I blame the bad economy, the 360 price drops, and Wii Fit/Wii Music. Perfectly logical reasons.

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


Elite1 said:
Just because the 360 (Had a year head start) and Wii (Don't mess with Blue Ocean Strategy) have higher install bases doesn't mean the PS3 is selling horribly. The PS3 is actually selling at a higher rate than the 360 (checked console charts on this site). Event though I do admit this holiday sales have gone down but I blame the bad economy, the 360 price drops, and Wii Fit/Wii Music. Perfectly logical reasons.

You're only explaining why the PS3 isn't selling well. Fact remains, for retailers, the Wii and 360 are the way to go, not the PS3.

Chrizum said:
Elite1 said:
Just because the 360 (Had a year head start) and Wii (Don't mess with Blue Ocean Strategy) have higher install bases doesn't mean the PS3 is selling horribly. The PS3 is actually selling at a higher rate than the 360 (checked console charts on this site). Event though I do admit this holiday sales have gone down but I blame the bad economy, the 360 price drops, and Wii Fit/Wii Music. Perfectly logical reasons.

You're only explaining why the PS3 isn't selling well. Fact remains, for retailers, the Wii and 360 are the way to go, not the PS3.


Ok fair but here is another point. The PS3 is not selling better than the other two at the moment. I dont think it will ever sell better than Wii but I do believe it will start selling better than 360 in early 2009. I wont bother you with reasoning and statistics. We'll just wait a few months, when one of us could say "I told you so."

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


Elite1, when PS3 starts selling better than the year before it again, then we'll start looking at PS3 doing well down the road again.

Right now it's really hard to look at PS3 doing well when it has several huge software releases for the year and sales are down year on year when the other two consoles are having fantastic year on year increases.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

CrazzyMan said:

Something like this is possible, but only maybe by 1 year later. =)

This graph is just plain funny.  Sure the PS3 is going to sell more consoles in 2009 then it did from launch untill the end of 2008.