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Forums - Sales Discussion - An Answer to DMeisterJ: Why I Take Sales Figures Personally

DMeisterJ said:
Ender said:
DMeisterJ said:
C'mon people!

Reply in the thread about me!


You're post count and sig tells me you really need a girlfriend.

I agree.

Are you a girl?

no he is a 40 year old


 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

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Ender said:
DMeisterJ said:
C'mon people!

Reply in the thread about me!




Your post count and sig tells me you really need a girlfriend.

His Game Collection tells me he needs taste, his posts tell me he needs some love in his life, and his reply tells me you need to buy pepper spray.

well donotho...........i disagree with u..........gamers play games, not only interested in games that i want to play, and looking at 2009 previews ps3 has the most interesting titles...............sales r only for gloating, games are there to be played

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

DMeisterJ said:
First off, I'm on no high horse, I too am guilty of the exact thing I mention in my sig. I have never said that I am above that. That came from looking at how I was acting and decided that I needed to change for the better also.

Level 1: Denial - Completed
Level 2: Acceptance - In Progress


Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

Cheering on the console war is no less ridiculous than cheering for sports.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

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frybread said:
Cheering on the console war is no less ridiculous than cheering for sports.


Says a guy wearing a wiimote.. priceless. :D

Right... Some of us don't actually care about turn based RPGs, Final Fantasy or not.
I am a graphics whore, I love awesome graphics, but this is nothing without good gameplay.
Why can we be excited about the GT5, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2, God of War III, Alan Wake, Gears of War 2, Killzone 2 etc.? Obviously these games have nothing beyond their good looks, and neither of these games are made by developers, who made great games in the past.
I agree that it seems most rabid fanboys have sworn their allegiance to the PS360, but saying that the people who cannot appreciate Final Fantasy are stupid is the same as calling people who go to the university, but rave about their local football teams, stupid, because they do like soccer.
Did it ever occur to you, that while the story can be good, that Final Fantasy games have flaws? Or that it does in fact not appeal to everyone? I personally, have absolutely zero interest in turnbased JRPGs.
Now, don't get me wrong. I want a Wii, but right now, the selection of games that would the Wii worth my money are not in existence. I have three games I want on the Wii, one which isn't even released yet. If all the games I mentioned earlier were released on the Wii, you could add those to the list. But they are on the PS360.

noname2200 said:
Ender said:
DMeisterJ said:
C'mon people!

Reply in the thread about me!




Your post count and sig tells me you really need a girlfriend.

His Game Collection tells me he needs taste, his posts tell me he needs some love in his life, and his reply tells me you need to buy pepper spray.



donathos said:

DMeisterJ recently wrote a post calling us VGChartz users out because of how we react personally to game sales.  I've seen the same sentiment expressed elsewhere in the forums, too.  These are just companies looking to make a buck; we're not shareholders, so why should it matter to any of us who does well, or who fails?

While I want to agree, some soul-searching has forced me to conclude that I do take all of these sales figures personally.  And, based on how others here react, I assume they do, too.  So, I ask myself: why is that so?

I believe that it is because there are important philosophical differences when it comes to gaming, and that these sales figures are a place where those differences do battle.

There have always been graphic whores, and I have always hated them.  In a thread about a "main" Final Fantasy game going to the Wii, I remembered how in elementary school, I had to defend my love of Final Fantasy to other kids who loved graphics more than anything else.  Today, in conversations about the Wii vs. HD systems, I feel like I'm basically arguing with the same children; kids who, if they had grown up with me, wouldn't have been able to understand or appreciate Final Fantasy.

Look: loving graphics is easy.  We all have eyes, and in order to use them, you just have to keep them open.  Graphics are just one part of an overall game experience.  I believe that graphics are as important as they are to some because graphics whores are unable to appreciate other parts of gameplay.  They're the same people who can't stand foreign films due to subtitles, or older films with sub-par special effects by today's standards, or usually books at all.  They're the ones who never get to know what a woman's like because they can't see beyond her cup-size.  Their minds just aren't sophisticated enough to allow them to get past the glaringly obvious and superficial.

Am I calling graphics whores stupid?  Not always--sometimes they're just really young.  Kids will often have more problems with, say, black & white movies than adults will, due to a lack of experience, information. etc.; abstraction doesn't come automatically and must be developed over time.  But some of them, young and old, are in fact stupid.

Anyways, in the current gen, for obvious reasons, the HD systems have called the graphics whores--the young and the stupid--to its side.  Often, they are the HD systems biggest proponents.  I think it's not coincidental that so many PS360 fanboys tend to skew so young.  I think it's not coincidental that so many of them have such problems with spelling, or grammar, or logic, or coherence.  I think it's not coincidental that so many of their interests are seemingly so limited to the "mature" topics of violence, sex, sports and swearing.  I think it's not coincidental that the gaming forums that have a high percentage of HD users are unreadable and unusuable.  It's a common attack on the Wii that it is "kiddy," but ask yourself what your experience has been on these forums.  Do most of the juvenile posts tend to come from young Wii fans?  Or other places?  How about the well-written points of view with balanced perspectives?  If someone were to write in all-caps, filled with insults and cussing but devoid of sense... well... what would you think more likely--Wii fanboy or PS360?  Are both sides equally guilty...? or does it tend to be one side more than the other?  Maybe my biases just lead me to notice one more than the other, but I honestly don't believe so...

This isn't true of every PS360 fanboy--some of whom are intelligent and good-natured people--and God knows that there are some ridiculous and awful Wii fanboys, too.  But I think that the overall differences in the general population are pronounced enough to be noticeable, and to color a lot of the conversations on forums like these.

I believe that I care about these sales figures because I don't like the graphics whore mentality.  It's silly to "root against the 360" or to want to see Sony fail.  When I think about it like that, I don't care about the numbers at all, and as a man who loves videogames, and always has, I want to see good games succeed regardless of their corporate affiliations.  But I do want to see the kind of person I associate with the HD consoles, their attitudes, intolerance and immature arrogance... taken down a notch or two.  I enjoy it when I see a graphics whore wail about how they don't understand how the Wii can be doing so well.  That's it, exactly: they don't understand.

Ehh, I'm honestly not very proud of the way I feel, and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings -- this isn't meant to be an attack on anyone specific.  But it is what it is. 


Just because i like awesome HD graphics on my nice 10,000 dollar setup and you dont makes me a graphic whore? So what if i am? why should my tastes in games be wrong and your right?

This whole hread is fail and wii fanboys are just as stupid about their console as the rest of us.


Its as simple as this the HD consoles have the best library of games in this generation period .
Hiding behind sales wont change that, ask any unbiased gamer out there, not the fanboys, but real gamers that own all consoles and the majority of them will tell you that one of the HD consoles is the best of this generation very few will say the wii is the best

Saying HD consoles are for graphics whores is the same as saying wii is for soccer mom's and is nowhere near the truth for both sides

For a long time in this generation my thoughts were to get a wii first, but at the price that the 360 is and what it offers in terms of games and content i just had to buy one for this holidays ,the wii at the price its at is not an option at this time and seeing that its selling like crazy, a price cut wont come for at least a year, so it´l have to wait