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Its as simple as this the HD consoles have the best library of games in this generation period .
Hiding behind sales wont change that, ask any unbiased gamer out there, not the fanboys, but real gamers that own all consoles and the majority of them will tell you that one of the HD consoles is the best of this generation very few will say the wii is the best

Saying HD consoles are for graphics whores is the same as saying wii is for soccer mom's and is nowhere near the truth for both sides

For a long time in this generation my thoughts were to get a wii first, but at the price that the 360 is and what it offers in terms of games and content i just had to buy one for this holidays ,the wii at the price its at is not an option at this time and seeing that its selling like crazy, a price cut wont come for at least a year, so it´l have to wait