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Forums - General Discussion - Regarding NIN music used at Guantanamo Bay for torture

OMFG THIS IS TORTURE, i just checked that list

Dope - die mf die.

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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The only funny thing is, the new definition of torture. 100 years ago, torture was considered tearing someone's insides out while they were still alive. Now music is apparently the new ultimate sin.

I like how the Israelis do it. If you scream "Death to the Jews" and plan/initiate a terrorist attack, then you've forfeited your right to to be treated like everyone else. You are considered an open season prisoner who WILL provide any and all information that you know one way or another. That's the way it should be.

To hell with a murderer's rights... if you are a terrorist and kill innocent civilians, then you don't have any rights.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


wfz said:
His music is that horrible?



Well yep... I actually hate NIN... and I was once tortured with it... I had to listen to that c#$% for almost 2 hours ina  row:o


But seriously, using music as a torturing method is not a new thing... am I the only person whom is not surprised?

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Comrade Tovya said:
The only funny thing is, the new definition of torture. 100 years ago, torture was considered tearing someone's insides out while they were still alive. Now music is apparently the new ultimate sin.

I like how the Israelis do it. If you scream "Death to the Jews" and plan/initiate a terrorist attack, then you've forfeited your right to to be treated like everyone else. You are considered an open season prisoner who WILL provide any and all information that you know one way or another. That's the way it should be.

To hell with a murderer's rights... if you are a terrorist and kill innocent civilians, then you don't have any rights.


You should do some research on definitions of combatants and non-combatants. Im studying terrorism right now and Osama Bin Laden allegedly said that if someone in a democracy votes for a leader, who then declares war and attacks and kills some people, then they are defined as combatants. They contribute to the deaths indirectly. Rules of law say that killing combatants is lawfull within reason. This is why terrorism is so problematic. Definitions of who is responsible exactly is responsible are nearly impossible to determine.


“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

megaman79 said:
Comrade Tovya said:
The only funny thing is, the new definition of torture. 100 years ago, torture was considered tearing someone's insides out while they were still alive. Now music is apparently the new ultimate sin.

I like how the Israelis do it. If you scream "Death to the Jews" and plan/initiate a terrorist attack, then you've forfeited your right to to be treated like everyone else. You are considered an open season prisoner who WILL provide any and all information that you know one way or another. That's the way it should be.

To hell with a murderer's rights... if you are a terrorist and kill innocent civilians, then you don't have any rights.


You should do some research on definitions of combatants and non-combatants. Im studying terrorism right now and Osama Bin Laden allegedly said that if someone in a democracy votes for a leader, who then declares war and attacks and kills some people, then they are defined as combatants. They contribute to the deaths indirectly. Rules of law say that killing combatants is lawfull within reason. This is why terrorism is so problematic. Definitions of who is responsible exactly is responsible are nearly impossible to determine.



Definitely.  Unfortunately, leaders throughout history have all defined the term "combatant" with their own personal definition.  From King David to the Caesars to Joseph Stalin... the definition is always changing.

I think as a democratic nation that is supposedly by the people and for the people, we have to throw past definitions out the window and create our own.  In my opinion, if any nation or organizational body on Earth makes a verbal or active action of war against us, we have to use any and all means to protect American citizens (both civilian and soldier). 

If an enemy combatant is captured, and he refuses to provde information that can prevent further American lives from being endangered, then we should use any and all means neccesary to extract such information... even torture should it be neccesary.  I think even calling "music" torture is just silly really.  It can be annoying (I'd hate to have headphones glued to my head playing Kenny G) and it would probably drive me nuts, but it's hardly torture.

But definitely, who is/isn't responsible is very difficult to determine on both sides of any conflict.  In World War II, 2 atomic bombs being dropped on Japan, the sacking of Berlin, and other such actions only validate that point.  But any combatant group that throws the Geneva Convention protocol out the window should expect no less than the same thing to happen to them.

What I mean is, our current enemies in Afghanistan and Iraq (and elsewhere) believe that civilians are open game.  They torture, behead, and kill anyone regardless of their role in the conflict (or lack thereof).  There have been dozens of cases of Leftist groups going of there and showing support for the enemy, and still being beheaded as infidels. 

Therefore, if we respond to civilian murder and physical torture/beheadings with "music" torture, I would certainly think that it is safe to say that at the very least we are the lesser of two evils.  If NIN thinks "torture" is so bad, they should use their soapbox to unequivically condemn and scream out against the attrocities our enemies perform against us, and not waste our time with sob stories of "poor" enemies being forced to listen to music that's not of their favored taste.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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Dude, music torture is a fukn joke, its a distraction like obama's dog. What you need to think about is how many millions of middle eastern families will be coaxed with revenge following the mass slaughter of non-combatants in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Read my earlier posts, do some research and wake up man. Your country did My Lai, and guantanimo was / is a gross human rights mistake and so to was Iraq. What makes it all worse is journalists report this now, you can't hide the truth and IT WILL encite more terrorism.

I disagree when you say kill anyone. Do you read newspapers? Have a read and then get back to me because im pretty sure when Pakistani Muslims slaughtered almost 200 in Mumbai last month they spared people from Muslim countries.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

megaman79 said:
Dude, music torture is a fukn joke, its a distraction like obama's dog. What you need to think about is how many millions of middle eastern families will be coaxed with revenge following the mass slaughter of non-combatants in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Read my earlier posts, do some research and wake up man. Your country did My Lai, and guantanimo was / is a gross human rights mistake and so to was Iraq. What makes it all worse is journalists report this now, you can't hide the truth and IT WILL encite more terrorism.

I disagree when you say kill anyone. Do you read newspapers? Have a read and then get back to me because im pretty sure when Pakistani Muslims slaughtered almost 200 in Mumbai last month they spared people from Muslim countries.


U.S. troops SLAUGHTERING of non-combatants?  Are you reading Al-Jazeera or something?

First and foremost, don't confuse me as being a fan of how the war in Iraq has been fought.  But our forces have largely been very humane in the treatment of enemy combatants and the people we have liberated.  Independent polls have shown that majority of Iraqis are happy we toppled Hussein's regime and are happy we are there to prevent their nation from falling into all-out Civil War. 

Everyone has a right to a different opinion, yourself included.  We can disagree on the who, what, when or where of any conflict and that's okay.  We don't even have to agree on whether or not the Iraqi war is/was neccesary or not. 

But do not insult the good men of the U.S. Armed Forces.  Every nation has it's blacksheep, and our military is no different... but our troops are LARGELY there for the right reasons, and are VERY humane in their treatment of the Iraqi and Afghani people.  We've opened hospitals, given them food, protected their women & children, freed them from the grasps of a murderous dictator, and given them the opportunity to choose their own destiny amongst other things.

Our troops are the most humane and hardest fighting troops on Earth, which is more than I can say for most nations.

And no, I do not agree with every conflict the United States has been in, in its history.  But I really get sick of whiney Europeans who started bitching about us the day after we liberated them from Facism.  After the Great War, we were painted as devils and Europe wanted no part of us.  Then Hitler & Mussolini started their conquest across Europe and then the rest of Europe begged for our help again.  We give it, save their lives, and then they insult us again.  It just gets old after awhile.

The world would be in a much sadder state if it were not for the generally good hearted determination of the United States' will to fight evil wherever it may lie.

We didn't pick a fight with the Islamic terrorists, they picked a fight with us by bringing the war to America first.  They wanted it, and we gave it to them.  And if they want to keep it up, we will too.

And the next time the Europe gets itself in trouble and cries for our help, we'll be there as usual, despite the fact that Europe will never do the same thing for us (not counting Great Britian, as they have always been faithful friends of ours).



Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


sorry man, look theres a difference between insulting your troops and insulting your gov. decisions. Figure out what i meant.

Secondly, today 55 dead in iraq suicide bombing, that is not a free country and it is not a content one and it is not a democratic one. Especially because everyone (halliburton, blackwater, etc) will be screwing YOUR taxes over for another 3 yrs, you should know what they are doing in your name

If reports are correct, for eg. remote drone bombs piloted from command stations in the US and then missing their targets, all those wedding parties and combatants "hiding out" in non-combatant houses getting blown to shit, then i think the change of government will be the best thing for your safety.

One thing, troops are not meant to be humane. Arn't they trained to kill? Again this is not an insult, i am pointing out the system that encourages fighters and not psycholigists to go to war.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

megaman79 said:
sorry man, look theres a difference between insulting your troops and insulting your gov. decisions. Figure out what i meant.

Secondly, today 55 dead in iraq suicide bombing, that is not a free country and it is not a content one and it is not a democratic one. Especially because everyone (halliburton, blackwater, etc) will be screwing YOUR taxes over for another 3 yrs, you should know what they are doing in your name

If reports are correct, for eg. remote drone bombs piloted from command stations in the US and then missing their targets, all those wedding parties and combatants "hiding out" in non-combatant houses getting blown to shit, then i think the change of government will be the best thing for your safety.

One thing, troops are not meant to be humane. Arn't they trained to kill? Again this is not an insult, i am pointing out the system that encourages fighters and not psycholigists to go to war.


Definitely, there is a difference between the government and the troops that take orders from that government.

And no, Iraq is not free 100% yet.  But that is not our fault, that is the fault of Islamic clerics and leaders who have turned the blessing of a toppled dictatorship into a holy war.  The irony is that Hussein was very oppresive to the same groups who are fighting us now.

We are giving the majority of the people of Iraq what hey desire... democracy.  The large majority of Iraqis want democracy, but the minority that wants an Islamic form of government (which takes away the rights of women and the social minority) are fighting us to prevent this from happening.  I was an English major in college, but my secondary studies encompassed theology.  My focus was on Islamic & Judaic studies as the publication I wanted to write for (and later did) focuses on this. 

Therefore, knowing what I know about Islam, it's my belief that democracy is a dead idea in the Islamic middle east... and that is my problem with the war.  The idea of what we are trying to accomplish is valiant.  The reality is that it is a waste of time, because despite the fact the majority of the people want it, that same vast majority are not willing to fight to make it happen.  They are more than willing to bow down to that minority that wants to keep them under the thumb of Islamic law. Hence, I think we are wasting our time, money, and soldiers for nought.

And on your final point concerning combatants whom are killed while hiding out in non-military structures, I don't really care.  It's impossible to fight a war where you determine certain areas are off limits.  The Nazis in WWII were notorious for hiding out in and using churches as fortresses.  It didn't stop us from going after them then, and it shouldn't stop us now.  As soon as you show that you are unwilling to attack certain structures, you encourage the enemy to so everytime.  Early on in the war, a group of combatants thought that by hiding in a mosque, they could kill our troops and civilians without recourse.  When we smoked them out and killed them anyway, they largely put a halt to this practice because they didn't want "non-believers" and "infidels" entering and "defiling" their holy places.

You cannot win any war without showing the enemy that there is no place where one can hide and expect clemency.  Do I like civilian casualties in war?  Of course not, no one with half-a-heart does.  But as they say, "war is hell", and you have to put your own people above the enemies' in time of war.  That's the same reason we bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima... we sacrificed the enemy in order to save our own mens lives.  A perfect solution?  No, but war never provides the perfect scenario in which to act.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Comrade Tovya said:
The only funny thing is, the new definition of torture. 100 years ago, torture was considered tearing someone's insides out while they were still alive. Now music is apparently the new ultimate sin.

I like how the Israelis do it. If you scream "Death to the Jews" and plan/initiate a terrorist attack, then you've forfeited your right to to be treated like everyone else. You are considered an open season prisoner who WILL provide any and all information that you know one way or another. That's the way it should be.

To hell with a murderer's rights... if you are a terrorist and kill innocent civilians, then you don't have any rights.


You are absolutely 100% wrong. Your idea is flawed on so many levels I do not know where to begin.

Torture is inflicting pain for coercion or punishment. 

100 years ago? Tearing out insides?

"They" say the torture is to get information, but you say it is punishment because they planned an attack.  If they are criminal, then they didn't have a trial.  If they are enemy combatants than torture is against treaties we signed (basically saying the US is a torturing country AND doesn't uphold it's obligations).

Do you know how many innocent Iraqis have been falsely arrested and tortured?  Nobody knows, because almost none have had trials.  Several thousand were released after capture and torture with no trial.  It makes me wonder how many more are still in prisons being tortured for information.

I would rather die, than to stoop to your level.  Living free means respecting others' freedom.  If you don't than you are a tyrant.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.