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Comrade Tovya said:
The only funny thing is, the new definition of torture. 100 years ago, torture was considered tearing someone's insides out while they were still alive. Now music is apparently the new ultimate sin.

I like how the Israelis do it. If you scream "Death to the Jews" and plan/initiate a terrorist attack, then you've forfeited your right to to be treated like everyone else. You are considered an open season prisoner who WILL provide any and all information that you know one way or another. That's the way it should be.

To hell with a murderer's rights... if you are a terrorist and kill innocent civilians, then you don't have any rights.


You are absolutely 100% wrong. Your idea is flawed on so many levels I do not know where to begin.

Torture is inflicting pain for coercion or punishment. 

100 years ago? Tearing out insides?

"They" say the torture is to get information, but you say it is punishment because they planned an attack.  If they are criminal, then they didn't have a trial.  If they are enemy combatants than torture is against treaties we signed (basically saying the US is a torturing country AND doesn't uphold it's obligations).

Do you know how many innocent Iraqis have been falsely arrested and tortured?  Nobody knows, because almost none have had trials.  Several thousand were released after capture and torture with no trial.  It makes me wonder how many more are still in prisons being tortured for information.

I would rather die, than to stoop to your level.  Living free means respecting others' freedom.  If you don't than you are a tyrant.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.