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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who thinks FFXIV will come to wii?

It will be a PS3 / Wii-2 multiplat released end of 2011.






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It would have to be next gen. FF sells big in Japan and the PS3 and 360 aren't exactly on their way to success in Japan. FF has become heavy on style over the years and the with next gen system launching in the 2011/2012 time frame, I can't see them releasing FFXIV on current gen consoles. Especially with all the FFXIII spinoffs they still have to complete. Versus XIII, Agito XIII, Haersis XIII etc. all have yet to get release dates.

13 is a bad number, so FFXIII is going to suck. Just wanted to warn you.


It depends on two things:

1) How well FF13 does on each console and region
2) How well each of the three consoles do next gen (it's not going to make it out by the end of this gen)

So no, it won't come to Wii. It could come to Wii 2, but that will depend entirely on sales. SE will go for the winning platform. If there is no clear winning platform, they will wait for somebody to slip money into their hands and make a decision based on that.

I'm thinking PS4/720, but that's just me, and again, if the 720 dominates, the 720 gets it, if the PS4 dominates, the PS4 gets it, if PS4 and 720 are close it will be multiplat, if Wii 2 has sufficient processing power and is far and away in the lead (I'm talking PS2-Xbox size lead), it could potentially be Wii 2 exclusive. Nice cycle. Sony > Nintendo > Sony. Missing a Microsoft step though.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

You have sound reasoning their Kantor but I think it's going to be a Wii2 project. Usually Square Enix starts their FF project before the generations starts. Judging by history they produce the game for the successor to the market leader. Which is why FFXIII started off as PS3 exclusive.

Your post describes exactly how SE handles the Dragon Quest franchise though. They hold back DQ until they see which consoles is going to have a higher userbase. Once that becomes clear then they start production on the game.

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so it's safe o say FFCIV will obviously be for the Nintendo console/handheld

not sure if it's this gen or next gen..all depends

also..we all know it'll own on the Wii/DS or w/e