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It depends on two things:

1) How well FF13 does on each console and region
2) How well each of the three consoles do next gen (it's not going to make it out by the end of this gen)

So no, it won't come to Wii. It could come to Wii 2, but that will depend entirely on sales. SE will go for the winning platform. If there is no clear winning platform, they will wait for somebody to slip money into their hands and make a decision based on that.

I'm thinking PS4/720, but that's just me, and again, if the 720 dominates, the 720 gets it, if the PS4 dominates, the PS4 gets it, if PS4 and 720 are close it will be multiplat, if Wii 2 has sufficient processing power and is far and away in the lead (I'm talking PS2-Xbox size lead), it could potentially be Wii 2 exclusive. Nice cycle. Sony > Nintendo > Sony. Missing a Microsoft step though.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective