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Forums - Sales Discussion - MS finishes Sony? ANOTHER Price-cut coming tomorrow in Europe

In one word : AMAZING!

so a wii is worth 2 xbox360 arcades?:O

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Staude said:
selnor said:
MikeB said:
Fumanchu said:
Mike you're still harping on about the supposed 'power' advantage? Thus far there's very little to support the theoretical claims of significant differences and definitely not $200 worth. Besides, that may be how YOU decide on a console but I think historically and even currently it shows that your mindset is a minority otherwise wouldn't the N64 have beat the PS1 and the Xbox beat the PS2? You need a new argument.

If you and others read this thread, I think you will be a whole lot wiser:


Sorry to burst your bubble. But Kingdom Under Fire 2 is the best graphics in development. Although the platform hasnt been confirmed, we all know its an Xbox exclusive. It would make sense to be on PS3 if it were leading but well it's not. So if it was exclusive last gen to Xbox with losing the war, then it will be exclusive this gen. Even the spin offs were exclusive to 360. So we can very much assume this is 360 footage. (I'll be proved right). So looking at this video (and you'll notice watching it in HD it says Gameplay footage) that this kills games like KZ2 and the like for graphics. Look at the number of charatcers on screen. 1000?


And sales arguement.




The game you linked too looks an awful lot like this one ^


And i would nowhere near call those the best graphics.. not even close.


And if it's about the quantity of people on screen ? that's easy to counter.


Oh my god. You didnt. LOL.

Ive played Lair. LOL. Love the way you post a CGI and yes it is CGI video of Lair to use against a gameplay in game engine video of KUF2.

And still KUF2 looked better.LOL

Also Heavenly Sword. OH dear. 300 enemies at the most. (thats being generous.)

KUF2 with that engine displays thousands of enemies. And yet still IT can be played online. thousands of real people in one war. Dont believe me? It says so on the official site.


selnor said:
Staude said:
selnor said:
MikeB said:
Fumanchu said:
Mike you're still harping on about the supposed 'power' advantage? Thus far there's very little to support the theoretical claims of significant differences and definitely not $200 worth. Besides, that may be how YOU decide on a console but I think historically and even currently it shows that your mindset is a minority otherwise wouldn't the N64 have beat the PS1 and the Xbox beat the PS2? You need a new argument.

If you and others read this thread, I think you will be a whole lot wiser:


Sorry to burst your bubble. But Kingdom Under Fire 2 is the best graphics in development. Although the platform hasnt been confirmed, we all know its an Xbox exclusive. It would make sense to be on PS3 if it were leading but well it's not. So if it was exclusive last gen to Xbox with losing the war, then it will be exclusive this gen. Even the spin offs were exclusive to 360. So we can very much assume this is 360 footage. (I'll be proved right). So looking at this video (and you'll notice watching it in HD it says Gameplay footage) that this kills games like KZ2 and the like for graphics. Look at the number of charatcers on screen. 1000?


And sales arguement.




The game you linked too looks an awful lot like this one ^


And i would nowhere near call those the best graphics.. not even close.


And if it's about the quantity of people on screen ? that's easy to counter.


Oh my god. You didnt. LOL.

Ive played Lair. LOL. Love the way you post a CGI and yes it is CGI video of Lair to use against a gameplay in game engine video of KUF2.

And still KUF2 looked better.LOL

Also Heavenly Sword. OH dear. 300 enemies at the most. (thats being generous.)

KUF2 with that engine displays thousands of enemies. And yet still IT can be played online. thousands of real people in one war. Dont believe me? It says so on the official site.


lol wut ? you serious ?

first of all it's not cgi :\ i have the game.. that is ingame, just from different angles. Had a lot of enemys at once


Heavenly sword ? it didn't have "300" if any game had thousinds of enemys at once that's heavenly sword.


In either case it's obvious you are wearing the goggles so i wont waste any time trying to convince you. Think whatever you want.


But the game seriously don't look as good as you are procaliming.


Check out my game about moles ^

Simulacrum said:
Why keep reducing the price?Thats pretty stupid...
I might just get it if its only so low.


 You, sir, just answered your own question.

Why does no one see the bigger picture. Where are M$ going? they are hardly making any money on the consoles themselves selling them so cheaply. Their price cuts are an attempt to get one over on Sony. Sony on the other hand have all the cards to play, unlike MS they are not showing a desperation in constantly cutting prices. From next year Sony can start to lower prices as well as throwing in Blockbusters like Killzone 2 and God of War 3 tempting more people to cross over. The 360 has reached it's peak with Gears 2 as they as much said and as we have seen with Killzone 2 , PS3 games are going to start to show their superiority adding more incentive to purchase. As usual Sony plan ahead. look at M$, i have a 360 but what on earth in exclusive terms am i going to buy, nothing as i can see at all. People are rushing ahead buying 360's because they are cheap but maybe M$ need to put more money into games that vary in genre as with no new Gears on the horizon were are they going?

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This proves my point, Microsoft dont care about making money, they are in this to destroy a company.



i like how microsoft is trying to win the race for 2nd place...

TKC-Muzzer said:
Why does no one see the bigger picture. Where are M$ going? they are hardly making any money on the consoles themselves selling them so cheaply. Their price cuts are an attempt to get one over on Sony. Sony on the other hand have all the cards to play, unlike MS they are not showing a desperation in constantly cutting prices. From next year Sony can start to lower prices as well as throwing in Blockbusters like Killzone 2 and God of War 3 tempting more people to cross over. The 360 has reached it's peak with Gears 2 as they as much said and as we have seen with Killzone 2 , PS3 games are going to start to show their superiority adding more incentive to purchase. As usual Sony plan ahead. look at M$, i have a 360 but what on earth in exclusive terms am i going to buy, nothing as i can see at all. People are rushing ahead buying 360's because they are cheap but maybe M$ need to put more money into games that vary in genre as with no new Gears on the horizon were are they going?

If MS is desparate reducing consoles prices $100 over 3 years then what is $ony reducing consoles prices $200 over 2 years?


Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

TKC-Muzzer said:
Why does no one see the bigger picture. Where are M$ going? they are hardly making any money on the consoles themselves selling them so cheaply. Their price cuts are an attempt to get one over on Sony. Sony on the other hand have all the cards to play, unlike MS they are not showing a desperation in constantly cutting prices. From next year Sony can start to lower prices as well as throwing in Blockbusters like Killzone 2 and God of War 3 tempting more people to cross over. The 360 has reached it's peak with Gears 2 as they as much said and as we have seen with Killzone 2 , PS3 games are going to start to show their superiority adding more incentive to purchase. As usual Sony plan ahead. look at M$, i have a 360 but what on earth in exclusive terms am i going to buy, nothing as i can see at all. People are rushing ahead buying 360's because they are cheap but maybe M$ need to put more money into games that vary in genre as with no new Gears on the horizon were are they going?


 Same question to you. Where are Sony going?

Sony arent dropping the price because they dont need or want to, but becasue the company is in shit. They just axed 16,000 jobs and thats only from one division. The PS division hasnt put forward there cost cuts. And they will have to. Likely that PS will lose 6-7 devs. Or they may not have enough money to do PS4. I expect over the next 3 years the PS3 will have a major tough time. Sony has leaked money all over the shop. And PS3 is a major cause.

So I believe M$ are in a much much better picture with the 360 over the next 3-4 years.

all this means is that 360 will have less price cuts from now on, and ps3 will have more. theres always a balance.