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Why does no one see the bigger picture. Where are M$ going? they are hardly making any money on the consoles themselves selling them so cheaply. Their price cuts are an attempt to get one over on Sony. Sony on the other hand have all the cards to play, unlike MS they are not showing a desperation in constantly cutting prices. From next year Sony can start to lower prices as well as throwing in Blockbusters like Killzone 2 and God of War 3 tempting more people to cross over. The 360 has reached it's peak with Gears 2 as they as much said and as we have seen with Killzone 2 , PS3 games are going to start to show their superiority adding more incentive to purchase. As usual Sony plan ahead. look at M$, i have a 360 but what on earth in exclusive terms am i going to buy, nothing as i can see at all. People are rushing ahead buying 360's because they are cheap but maybe M$ need to put more money into games that vary in genre as with no new Gears on the horizon were are they going?