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Last Year NA week after BF


Weekly Total
505,486 (-27%) 17,381,047
331,967 (-25%) 7,134,112
212,036 (-37%) 9,005,371
170,660 (-21%) 10,349,986
153,590 (-41%) 45,815,335
152,179 (-13%) 2,763,705
40,306 (-37%) 41,198,498
3,817 (-29%) 12,720,193
Total 1,570,041


This year NA week after BF

DS - 557K

Wii - 521K

360 - 312K

PSP - 174K

PS3 - 145K

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

Around the Network
Maynard_Tool said:
leo-j said:
Maynard_Tool said: 

2008 was supposed to be the year for the ps3, insted with better games and a lot of deals, the ps3 is still selling the same.... oh wait, this week last year i think the ps3 sold more in the US. So, how can it be good for a console to sell the same when its suppose to have better games?

Ps3 sales are not awesome, DS and Wii's are. X360 too

The ps3 is not moving foward, which brings the excuses from people like you, and then we come to just tell the truth and then you start talking s**t and offending others with no apparent reason.




 If your a gamer its the year of the PS3, why? Because unlike the WII it got AAA GAMES this year =)

AAA games, well that depends on self opinion... i mean, this year i got NMH, Mario kart and Smash bros, which i consider great games. So i guess the wii did have AAA games this year =)


Well yes, if I were to say "Heavenly sword is the best game Ive ever played so its AAA", you would say "HAHAHA really an 81 on metacritic???"

The wii received a minimal amount of real good ip this year, and ok I admit the PS3 did much better than it did last year sales wise to date(by over 3.6million consoles), but is doing crappy now. Now you admit that the wii had the worst game lineup this year, for gamers.



leo-j said:
Maynard_Tool said: 

2008 was supposed to be the year for the ps3, insted with better games and a lot of deals, the ps3 is still selling the same.... oh wait, this week last year i think the ps3 sold more in the US. So, how can it be good for a console to sell the same when its suppose to have better games?

Ps3 sales are not awesome, DS and Wii's are. X360 too

The ps3 is not moving foward, which brings the excuses from people like you, and then we come to just tell the truth and then you start talking s**t and offending others with no apparent reason.




 If your a gamer its the year of the PS3, why? Because unlike the WII it got AAA GAMES this year =)

You're right on on part, PS3 had a great year when it comes to games.

Even so, spewing falsities will get you nowhere. Amazingly enough, it is possible to praise one console without trolling another.


RPG said:
Maynard_Tool said:
Max King of the Wild said:
LOL @ Maynard and insomniac and people who are talking about PS3's sales.

FACT: PS3 is on par with last years sales WITHOUT a price cut.
FACT: PS3 sales last year were awesome!
FACT: This year Ps3 sales are still awesome!
FACT: The compitition is selling more which brings out the trolls


2008 was supposed to be the year for the ps3, insted with better games and a lot of deals, the ps3 is still selling the same.... oh wait, this week last year i think the ps3 sold more in the US. So, how can it be good for a console to sell the same when its suppose to have better games?

Ps3 sales are not awesome, DS and Wii's are. X360 too

The ps3 is not moving foward, which brings the excuses from people like you, and then we come to just tell the truth and then you start talking s**t and offending others with no apparent reason.




In my short stay here so far it has become rather apparent you have an extreme disliking to the Playstation 3, did it do thing to you? Maynard, you really are a tool.......... *ahhh*


Not really. But everytime i say what i believe, someone has to jump at me saying this and claiming that.... then is when i start to explain what makes me think that way. In this case, people claim that ps3 is doing great for its price.... i said that is really sad to say that and then people jumped at me....


And no, it didnt do thing to me (=

In the words of Tony the Tiger


Around the Network
Smeags said:
leo-j said:
Maynard_Tool said: 

2008 was supposed to be the year for the ps3, insted with better games and a lot of deals, the ps3 is still selling the same.... oh wait, this week last year i think the ps3 sold more in the US. So, how can it be good for a console to sell the same when its suppose to have better games?

Ps3 sales are not awesome, DS and Wii's are. X360 too

The ps3 is not moving foward, which brings the excuses from people like you, and then we come to just tell the truth and then you start talking s**t and offending others with no apparent reason.




 If your a gamer its the year of the PS3, why? Because unlike the WII it got AAA GAMES this year =)

You're right on on part, PS3 had a great year when it comes to games.

Even so, spewing falsities will get you nowhere. Amazingly enough, it is possible to praise one console without trolling another.


There are no lies in my words, Im basing all of the games off Metacritic 90+= AAA, Super smash, and world of goo were the only AAA titles released on the wii this year. Also sorry, there was no need to mention the wii, but since this was a sales thread, and its obvious the games arent what is selling the wii, then what is?? Thats just what im trying to figure out.

The ps2 became the best selling video game system because it had the BEST games, the wii is becoming a bigger seller than the ps2 at the same point in life, but its not the games that are driving it, since compared to the 360 and ps3, its lineup isnt something to be happy about..



leo-j said:
Maynard_Tool said:
leo-j said:
Maynard_Tool said: 

2008 was supposed to be the year for the ps3, insted with better games and a lot of deals, the ps3 is still selling the same.... oh wait, this week last year i think the ps3 sold more in the US. So, how can it be good for a console to sell the same when its suppose to have better games?

Ps3 sales are not awesome, DS and Wii's are. X360 too

The ps3 is not moving foward, which brings the excuses from people like you, and then we come to just tell the truth and then you start talking s**t and offending others with no apparent reason.




 If your a gamer its the year of the PS3, why? Because unlike the WII it got AAA GAMES this year =)

AAA games, well that depends on self opinion... i mean, this year i got NMH, Mario kart and Smash bros, which i consider great games. So i guess the wii did have AAA games this year =)


Well yes, if I were to say "Heavenly sword is the best game Ive ever played so its AAA", you would say "HAHAHA really an 81 on metacritic???"

The wii received a minimal amount of real good ip this year, and ok I admit the PS3 did much better than it did last year sales wise to date(by over 3.6million consoles), but is doing crappy now. Now you admit that the wii had the worst game lineup this year, for gamers.


1.-Thank you


2.-Again, that deppends on what you like. I dont like GTA4 (played it on X360, couldnt play for more than 20 minutes) i dont think LBP its something WOW and MGS4 is a good game. But i prefer Smash bros and mario kart 100 times before those games. So, for me, the wii didnt have the worst game lineuo...again, it's a matter of preferences.


PS i dont base my opinions in metratic, everyone is different.... so everyone likes different things. Take Red Steel, press hated it. I loved it. So if a game that has 20 on metratic its ur favorite game, so be it. Who am i to judge that?


So even though the Wii received no AAA games this year, it got 3 (you forgot Okami). Got it.

Why do the greater sales keep switching between others and America?
Otherwise, great numbers Wii and Ds.


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

Christian (+50).  Arminian(+20). AG adherent(+20). YEC(+20). Pre-tribulation Pre-milleniumist (+10).  Republican (+15) Capitalist (+15).  Pro-Nintendo (+5).  Misc. stances (+30).  TOTAL SCORE: 195 <---- Fun theology quiz

W.e I shouldnt listen to reviews at all, heck I will buy HULK the video game, since its obviously going to be good, since I do love marvel.

