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NJ5 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
NJ5 said:
@Max: In Japan it was Winning Eleven PS3 launch week, granted Wii software isn't selling great in Japan right now but there wasn't any comparable launch.

In Others it outsold PS3 software by 1 million, not 400k as you said.


 I'm sorry you must take out Wii sports in Europe (Be glad I left wii play in it) and Japan wont have any launches this year while Ps3 will have the gundam game and WKC so it will only be better for ps3.

Then we have to take out all the PS3 bundles too. That will be fun.

Anyway, even if we do as you say and look at the total figures instead of last week's, the Wii sells almost as much software per console as the PS3 in Europe. Not too bad considering that the Wii has a diverse demographic in its audience.

But of course, this is all academic since what matters to publishers is the total software sales...


We all know you're an anti-Wii troll. Its pretty much fact that the Wii sells as much software as its market share. Meaning its overall market attach rate is as high as the PS3, considering they launched at the same time they are directly comparable.



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I'm wondering if we'll ever consider Eu seperate like US and Japan, then everything else can be OTHER....

4 ≈ One

Nice sales for the Wii, DS, and 360. The PS3 is doing good too.

yung - is that a black guy with an alfalfa hair cut... i never tought Id see the day

You guys still at it?

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amp316 said:
Why do Nintendo fans hijack these threads with irrelevant comments?


Because we don't have "AAA" games, duuuuuh!

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

Are people actually comparing Wii's SW with PS3's SW? I say, that has to be the DUMBEST thing I've ever seen in a forum, ever (and at one point I visited Gamefaqs). OF COURSE the wii is gonna have higher SW than the PS3, it has more than double the installed base. Plus, each wii sold has wii sports (I'm not sure, is that just in NA?) so thats a bucket load right off the bat. (I'm not saying that it doesn't count). Sony fans, pick ur battles, this is not a good time to fight.

I have given up on SW numbers coming today n on making a LBP @ 1 Million thread

so Goodnight all!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Fernando said:
Just say it: "The PS3 is doing bad"

You guys will feel better... just face it... face your fears...

The problem is people like you and Maynard who are rubbing in the fact that the PS3 isn't doing good. 

Don't be an asshole. 

Make your observation, and move on. 

The PS3 isn't doing good.  Big fucking deal.  You take the console wars so seriously.  Guess how much the PS3 not doing good affects your everyday life?  None.  You don't work for Sony, or have stock in the company, so if it sells 1 unit or 1 billion units in a week, the fact of the matter is that it has no affect on you positively or negatively.  The fact that you get some sort of sick enjoyment or pleasure out of what some people do take to heart makes you an asshole and a very sad person.  Some people cannot tell the difference between what affects them and what doesn't, and physically can't admit that the PS3 is doing bad because of that.  But it's not up to you to rub it in and get some sort of pleasure out of always posting your PS3 hate.  We all know you don't like it, and love that they're not doing good.  But rubbing it in is such a bitch move. 

I really don't care if I get reported or banned for the comment or what I said, because someone needs to tell the fucking truth on this site, and if I'm going to be the only person to do so, then that's what I'm going to do.

darthdevidem01 said:
I have given up on SW numbers coming today n on making a LBP @ 1 Million thread

so Goodnight all!


 You know its gonna come right after you turn off your computer