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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Star Wars Old Republic MMO To Be "Microtransaction-Based"

shams said:
Depends on the game. PvP is completely ruined by anything microtransaction based - as long as the game is fully playable without microtransactions, it could work. The idea is to hook people, they slowly get them to start paying for stuff.

Still, its unlikely to the $1bn monster that WoW is...


It really doesn't matter if it's PVP or PVE and here's why. If it's PVP obvious problems arise, how do you compete with people that are shlling out mad money if you just wanna have fun? the answer is that you don't, unless you are ready to shell out the same amount of money.

If it's PVE, why would you bother going and slaying Sith or that Legendary Rancor if you can just sit in the cantina and buy your Fat Lightsaber with +20 to epeen without doing anything? The problem here is that paid items would have to be better than PVE drops for them to be worth the money at all, but then why would you bother with PVE?

Micro-Transaction just can't support  a good game if they affect the core gameplay in any way. If it's just aesthetics then hurray, this game is basically free for me, and for most other people who don't give a damn about looks. However then the makers just won't be making money so I doubt that's what they will do.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Sqrl said:
Interest before hearing this 9/10

Interest after hearing this 0/10

Good Work EA.


I lol'd seriously I dunno what to make of this, I hope it's not paying for items but in MMOs that's just stupid, maybe a pay as you go subscription so if you like miss a day you don't get charged for it me thinks?  But EA is abount money so I highly doubt this is the case.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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As you said it depends on the specific model they use how it effects the game, but the real problem for me isn't the unfair advantage between players, there is always going to be that problem. To see what I mean look at every MMO in existance and people who play more have an advantage over those who don' in that case you can replace "free time" with "cost" and/or "price" in your statement above and have the exact same scenario. Unfair advantage is a part of life and MMOs.

The problem I have is simply one of hating the micro-transaction model and refusing to sanction it with my financial patronage.

To Each Man, Responsibility
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Sqrl said:
Interest before hearing this 9/10

Interest after hearing this 0/10

Good Work EA.


I lol'd seriously I dunno what to make of this, I hope it's not paying for items but in MMOs that's just stupid, maybe a pay as you go subscription so if you like miss a day you don't get charged for it me thinks?  But EA is abount money so I highly doubt this is the case.


That'd be a great idea. Every day you log in you get charged 50 cents or something. I'm with you on the fact it's EA we're talking about so I doubt they mean that by micro-transactions.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Interest before hearing this: 3/10

After: -3/10.

The whole MMO thing didn't sit well with me in the beginning, but micro-transactions to death, that really doesn't sit well with me.

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Lets be honest, we're all still hoping they release a single player rpg...

FaRmLaNd said:
Lets be honest, we're all still hoping they release a single player rpg...


Yyes please, I'm dying for one of those. Too bad EA is already ruining BioWare. With Activion ruining Blizzard is Valve the only studio left that I can count on to making bullshit decisions?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


I am pretty sure this might ruin the game for me. I guess I will have to wait to see how the microtransactions are implemented, but i do not have high hopes.