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Forums - Sony Discussion - no plans for netflix on PS3

sega4life said:

Why would a company trying to push Blu-Ray, offer easy to stream movies..

I know you get get movies through PS3 now, but you have to pay for each one, with Netflix it's only $8.95 a month for unlimited streaming.


Wow, this is the second time I'm quoting you because you're saying what I would if I wasn't too lazy to post. Awesome.


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Look, Sony is planning on competing with Netflix, its obvious. They not be partnering with them.

Sony is looking to make as much as possible from BR with those who prefer physical media, and provide its own service directly through PS3 for those who want downloads. They already have the movie store and will surely expand its capabilities to mirror Netflix.

MS has gone for speed all the time this gen so far. Get your console out first. Buy exclusives rather than build 1st part support (not complaining, its a viable alternative) and partner rather than build for media.

Sony is going the 'do it yourself' route, providing the exclusives itself for the most part, providing its own movie store, etc.

Different approaches, that's all.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

You can still rent movies through XBL.
Rent movies, stream 12,000 movies - you get it all.
and some movies are HD quality.

Reasonable said:
Look, Sony is planning on competing with Netflix, its obvious. They not be partnering with them.

Sony is looking to make as much as possible from BR with those who prefer physical media, and provide its own service directly through PS3 for those who want downloads. They already have the movie store and will surely expand its capabilities to mirror Netflix.

MS has gone for speed all the time this gen so far. Get your console out first. Buy exclusives rather than build 1st part support (not complaining, its a viable alternative) and partner rather than build for media.

Sony is going the 'do it yourself' route, providing the exclusives itself for the most part, providing its own movie store, etc.

Different approaches, that's all.



Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Reasonable said:
Look, Sony is planning on competing with Netflix, its obvious. They not be partnering with them.

Sony is looking to make as much as possible from BR with those who prefer physical media, and provide its own service directly through PS3 for those who want downloads. They already have the movie store and will surely expand its capabilities to mirror Netflix.

MS has gone for speed all the time this gen so far. Get your console out first. Buy exclusives rather than build 1st part support (not complaining, its a viable alternative) and partner rather than build for media.

Sony is going the 'do it yourself' route, providing the exclusives itself for the most part, providing its own movie store, etc.

Different approaches, that's all.

It's funny how you assume something and let it off as fact. Sony is trying to push BR as much as possible, why would they allow instant-streaming when BR hasn't even caught on yet?


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@Infamous, the world will need a physical media format :P It just will. Blu-ray will be the successor to that throne. Sony also knows that the "future" is digital downloads. There's no if's and's or butt's about it. They're not so stupid that they will refuse to offer anything digitally, hell, they offer full games on they're PSN :D Warhawk, GT5P, Burnout Paradise etc etc.

I agree with the statement above that Sony will probably implement they're own version of a streaming service, and chances are it'll rock :3 Considering it might have PS3 -> PSP capabilities, I hope they plan on that :P

Sony shouldn't ever go with Netflix, it just makes no sense, Sony's needed they're own store for eon's of time now, they make movies, they produce music labels, and they make games, Netflix partnership is an obvious no.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

The Netflix CEO is on the MS board of directors.

Of course they are not going to put it on PS3.

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netflix in ps3 ? bad idea ,bad for blu ray,bad for ps3...bad bad bad ...

I have a lot of friends who come over to my place to do some gaming. And other than gaming on Live, Netflix on Live is what they like most. I know for certain Netflix has pushed 2 of them into buying a 360 instead of a wii.

I watch more movies on live now than actual gaming. So to those of you who think having netflix on the PS3 is a bad idea, you are totally wrong.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

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I might try it next year. I haven't decided yet. I have a ton of movies right now, but I would love to watch Netflix movies on my XBox 360. The only problem I have with it, is that it's not in HD 1080 resolution, where as my DVD's get upscaled to 1080p when I play them in my XBox 360 or PS3. If Netflix could provide the movies in 1080P HD streaming, it might be worth a look.