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Reasonable said:
Look, Sony is planning on competing with Netflix, its obvious. They not be partnering with them.

Sony is looking to make as much as possible from BR with those who prefer physical media, and provide its own service directly through PS3 for those who want downloads. They already have the movie store and will surely expand its capabilities to mirror Netflix.

MS has gone for speed all the time this gen so far. Get your console out first. Buy exclusives rather than build 1st part support (not complaining, its a viable alternative) and partner rather than build for media.

Sony is going the 'do it yourself' route, providing the exclusives itself for the most part, providing its own movie store, etc.

Different approaches, that's all.

It's funny how you assume something and let it off as fact. Sony is trying to push BR as much as possible, why would they allow instant-streaming when BR hasn't even caught on yet?


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