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@Infamous, the world will need a physical media format :P It just will. Blu-ray will be the successor to that throne. Sony also knows that the "future" is digital downloads. There's no if's and's or butt's about it. They're not so stupid that they will refuse to offer anything digitally, hell, they offer full games on they're PSN :D Warhawk, GT5P, Burnout Paradise etc etc.

I agree with the statement above that Sony will probably implement they're own version of a streaming service, and chances are it'll rock :3 Considering it might have PS3 -> PSP capabilities, I hope they plan on that :P

Sony shouldn't ever go with Netflix, it just makes no sense, Sony's needed they're own store for eon's of time now, they make movies, they produce music labels, and they make games, Netflix partnership is an obvious no.

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