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Forums - Sony Discussion - Shock!: Monster Hunter 3 coming to PSP (Rumor)

DMeisterJ said:
leo-j said:

How powerful did you think the psp was

Powerful as in horsepower?  Isn't it like 333mhz or something like that?



 The psp is slightly more powerful than the ps2, UMD's just limit its capabilities because its limited to 1.8gb.


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Acevil said:

Wait this is the same group of people who complained about MGS4-360 rumours. Anyone else find that funny.

Well I leave the sony fans to believing rumours.


at that time konami were denying it, and kojima himself, this time its the other way around.

psp its fairly powerful but i think it graphic card and umd disc limits what can be done with it.

psp 2 it looking like it's going to be more powerful than the wii.

*is awaiting for a "shitload" of people to love Capcom again*

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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Jo21 said:
Acevil said:

Wait this is the same group of people who complained about MGS4-360 rumours. Anyone else find that funny.

Well I leave the sony fans to believing rumours.


at that time konami were denying it, and kojima himself, this time its the other way around.


Actually it was usually some source directly from Konami saying it would happen, chaos would happen, than konami would issue a statement.

Kojima has always denied, agreed.


I think we all knew a MHF3 would happen, whether it's based on MH3 or is just another marginal upgrade remains to be seen.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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shams said:

Anyone want to actually post the comment in question?

"According to a rough translation of a Chinese site, a Capcom Official said in a recent interview that they have not yet decided if "Monster Hunter 3" will be a Wii exclusive. The site rumors that a portable version of "Monster Hunter 3" for the PSP is likely to exist."


In other words, if a PSP version will come - work has NOT started on it, and they may well be waiting to see how the Wii version sells.

Unless the official is lying about the "not yet decided" comment (and if you don't believe that, why believe any of it?).

It wouldn't be too hard to upgrade MH2 code for the PSP to something like MH3 - and its guaranteed easy sales. Maybe Xmas '09 for the PSP one.

You'd have to be silly to think if Capcom hasn't start working on the next PSP Monster Hunter game.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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Actually this means that they don't have it in development on another console at this moment also. So if it was to be ported it would be probably a year or two after its release that you see the other versions. Especially considering that it can't be ported directly in its current form graphically, and they would probably have to change a few things(probably not as bad on the PS2 as it would have to be for the PSP). So all this says imo is that there is a chance that there might be a PSP/PS2 title if the Wii one fails(which judging by TGS it won't).

@Outlawauron If that is the case then the game is NOT a port of MH3. This is because they said they have yet to decide if it will be a multiplat or not. So either they started development and it is a standalone monster hunter, or they will start development and it will be a port of MH3. Honestly I think that a port of MH3 to the psp would be along the lines of a port of an HD Console game to the Wii. It still COULD be good or better, but alot of stuff will probably be downgraded. The graphics, animations, and AI(new thing where the monsters interact with eachother more along with the player) will no doubt be downgraded. The difference is just too big for them not to. I think there is a  better chance that the next PSP monster hunter will be a standalone game and not a port of MH3.

Edit: Also we have to see how the Tenchu IV port goes.

This is SO much cooler than having it on the Wii alone. Playing MH 2 with pals, anywhere, is *awesome*, and the Wii... just doesn't cut it.

LOL debunked.

If this is true this is a Day one buy for me! hope its true. :)