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Forums - General Discussion - When did you stop believing in Santa?

He HIS REAL!!!! I SAW HIM, well when i was 5 i heard him going down the chimney.

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Wait ... there's no Santa? Then who in the devil is that fat, sloppy guy that reeks of cheap boose?

It was the day my mom told me he wasn't real and I was like 8 or 10 years old when that happened.


wait, what the **** is the topic creator talking about? Of course Santa exists! I have seen him in a mall several times! and he is going to be in a parade in my town this weekend! Plus, he's on Coke cans and bottles!

Same time I stopped believing in Jesus and the Easter Bunny, about the age of seven or eight I think.

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I never really got a chance to believe...
One Christmas when I was about 4-yrs. old, I saw Santa Clause at my grandparents house, and I said, "Look auntie V., it's Santa Clause!"

Without even hesitating, she shouted out, "No it's, your uncle Stan in a Santa outfit, Santa is not real."

My soul died that day.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


when i was 10

i just saw santa today, stop hating on the old man because you've been naughty and don't get any present from him

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

i love the old guy he makes me laugh

Kids really believe in Santa till 10 years old? Seriously.

Why do people lie to their kids? Parents put themselves out to buy gifts, then tell them it was from someone else, then "Not!" and they wonder why their kids hate them.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.