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Forums - General Discussion - When did you stop believing in Santa?

I know I still believed when I got my NES for chrisstmas which must have been at around 6 or 7. I know my parents let me know soon after though.

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Around the same time as when I stumbled across all of my presents laying in my parents room on Christmas Eve (I was supposed to be in bed, but I went into their room for something).

I was 8 or so.

never really believed, my parents used to mention him around christmas time but never with any conviction, and they always put tags saying to: max, from: mum, I dont think they could be bothered to keep up the stories lol

by the age of 5 i was already more clever than the average 5 year old.

and the story of fat white beard buy dressed in red to bring present sounded like bullshit, that i saw my uncle getting dressed :P

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probably when I was 13 or 14...I mean, uhh...7

I was the youngest of four children, and by the time I was 6 or 7 I really had doubts about Santa ... I was in grade 4 (about 9 years old) when I truely accepted that Santa didn't exist

10 or 11 I's been too long.

My brother and I though did come up with a theory that could potentially prove his existence.

I always wondered if he was really real, I found out in 4th grade when I woke up early and saw my mom putting presents under the tree. She said she was just seeing how much everyone got.

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Wow. Couldn't you have put a spoiler alert in the title or something? You totally just ruined my life.

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