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Forums - General Discussion - The I hate winter thread

Sephiroth357 said:
Winter rules. Beats the hell out of Texas summers.

I couldn't have said it better myself.  I take 32 F over 110 F anytime.


Around the Network

Dear Stewie Winter,

Get Out.


I dont hate winter....i hate really really baking hot days...they can **** off

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
I dont hate winter....i hate really really baking hot days...they can **** off



Though I have yet to feel Minneapolis 2009 winter. Which might change my mind.


Dear Winter.

Now I hate to start penny pinching so I can afford to buy people presents. Fuck you.

Yours Sincerly,

Around the Network

Dear Winter,

I love you.

Sincerly your,

4 ≈ One

Dear Winter,

I hate you

It's cold. And I hate being cold. I do like how it gtes dark earlier, and I like the sterility of overcast skies tons. I love rainy weather, and not-sunny days because I get to relax, and be more introspective and retrospective.

So I do hate you winter, but only 99 percent of the time.



London is pretty dam cold at the moment, at least there's the chance of the first white christmas since I can remember.

Dear Winter

I like you, though I prefer Autumn way more, I still like you. I hate the fact that is now Summer and it's freaking hot here and if you go outside it's completely untolerable. Please come back as soon as possible, because you very rarely dip below 5ºC, that's fine for me

Thanks, zexen

I know everyone will hate me for this

I want to see snow again!!!

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