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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN: Who can save the PS3?

radioioRobert said:

On the Backwards Compatability issue. I sold my BC PS3 after 7 months of no games in mid 2007. If I were to give the PS3 another chance, BC would have to return. I have not one regret selling the PS3, LBP does look amazing, but I can live without it. I never even considered a Wii until summer 2007.

The beauty of the PSX & PS2 was that they were both consoles for everyone. There was hardcore, there were Disney princess games. Games for everyone. Because of that, PS2 was the biggest market expanding gaming console of all time, though Wii will ultimately take that crown. PS3 was focused on the hardcore, and BluRay, not the "average gamer". Multi plat guitar games don't sell PS3's. A new Buzz or Singstar title won't cut it either. Sony put themselves here. This was their market to lose. Hell, I waited over 20 hours in line to get a launch PS3. There was no Wii line (it launched a day or so later).

Sony can save the PS3. Don't lie to your customers. Make games both accessible and affordable for everyone (see Microsoft strategy, not perfect, but better than yours). Look at the core Playstation values. Go back to what made you a success and look at how you've changed. Look at how you change "core values" based of what is convenient for you.....

2006: "Backwards compatibility, as you know from PlayStation One and PlayStation 2, is a core value of what we believe we should offer. And access to the library of content people have created, bought for themselves, and accumulated over the years is necessary to create a format. PlayStation is a format meaning that it transcends many devices -- PSOne, PS2, and now PS3."

Not even a year later (10 months) and "core values" go right out the window.

2007: "We have made clear on many occasions that our priority is on developing innovative new features and services for PS3 and not on backwards compatibility."

Sony must honestly think consumers and the press have the memories of a fly.

And while B/C is an old arguement at this point, it is a perfect example of showing how Sony has destroyed it's comsumer loyalty. Get a second job to get a PS3. The variety of games you've come to expect are not on this console. Buy only new games, your old ones are old and don't matter anymore (see VC, only you've always promised access to them without rebuying them). Don't promise games by "x" date and delay delay delay. Home will come early, no late 2007, early, no late 2008, maybe by beginning 2009.

The economy didn't put Sony here. Not MS, not Nintendo. Economy & MS & Nintendo didn't help. But Sony got here on it's own arrogance and disrespect of the consumer. Sony needs to look back at what values it let go and find them again. That might save them.

Amen, the ps2 was a great system, but Sony managed to get very bad and ugly PR all the time. If your from Europe its even worse (late launch, same for many games, far more expensive console then Japan/USA, less features (no BC chip etc).

Ironicly, Europe was the only market that really stayed loyal to Sony untill about 2 months ago, now even in Sony minded country's like spain and france MS is outselling them.


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Oh goodness, what a laughably ignorant article. These are the rantings of a fanboy who clearly doesn't come to VGChartz or do basic research like reading Sony's FRs.

Virtually all of this guys suggestions involve spending a lot more money, and usually to attract more hardcore gamers. Price cut, right now? It's as if he thinks Sony is refusing to cut prices because they're stubborn or something. Uh, they've already lost 3.3 billion dollars on the PS3 guy, I'm pretty sure slashing prices further isn't in the plans until they can make some money on the machine. And paying oodles of money to Capcom or Square or Konami for "hardcore gaming blockbuster #3121" is an awful idea. How many hardcore-oriented blockbuster games need to hit before this is obvious?

Sony has spent so, so much money this generation trying to please the hardcore. Just think about how much money has been spent already! 3.3 billion doesn't even cover it: their losses would be greater if it weren't for the PS2 and PSP. We're likely talking 4 billion+ dollars lost trying to attract the hardcore. How many 40 Million+ blockbusters have been rolled in to production, how they manufactured an 800 dollar gaming device and sold it for 600! And it hasn't worked. So this guy's response is: do even more of that? Bleed even more money on the hardware, spend even more on games?">">

Cypher1980 said:
Sony CEO : Its all gone tits up. I shall ask the mighty CELL for help.

CELL : I have the answer.

Sony CEO : Yes

CELL : Your not going to like it

Sony CEO : Tell me

CELL : Your really not going to like it.

Sony CEO : For Gods sake tell me !

CELL : Cut 8000 jobs and discontinue the PS3 immediately.

Sony CEO : Now thats what I call cold logic.

Now all Sony have to do is figure out exactly what question they asked the CELL in the first place.


Isn't that funny that IGN is always trying to find something bad to the wii and even making fun of it success BUT it even tries to cry for help for the PS3?

.....actually that's not funny, is pathetic. =(

TWRoO said:
Cypher1980 said:
Sony CEO : Its all gone tits up. I shall ask the mighty CELL for help.

CELL : I have the answer.

Sony CEO : Yes

CELL : Your not going to like it

Sony CEO : Tell me

CELL : Your really not going to like it.

Sony CEO : For Gods sake tell me !

CELL : Cut 8000 jobs and discontinue the PS3 immediately.

Sony CEO : Now thats what I call cold logic.

Now all Sony have to do is figure out exactly what question they asked the CELL in the first place.


Well read TWRoO.. Well read


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I'm still recovering from this article blowing my feeble little mind.

This guys plan to save the PS3 is to spend more money on hardware price cuts and more money on hardcore blockbusters? Even after this has failed time and again over the last 2 years, with Sony spending 4 Billion+ dollars?

"Sure, it didn't work when Sony lost only 4 billion dollars in the last 3 years, but if they're willing to lose 1-2 billion more, it will work!"


It's as if Sony decided to start a fight with a big brawny guy. Their strategy? Punch him right in the face. The result? The guy brushed it off and beat the crap out of them. So what does Sony do next? Punch the guy even harder, which the guy brushes off again, and proceeds to beat them up again.

What has this editor at IGN learned? Apparently, if it doesn't work when you punch them in the face, and it doesn't work when you punch them really hard in the face, it should work when you punch them really, really really hard in the face!

Or... you could come up with a new strategy entirely, because pretty obviously the strategy you're trying isn't working.">">

@Bodhesatva: You have saved me the time of reading the article. I scanned through it just now and it appears you're right... it's based on the one-dimensional thinking which goes "what can they/3rd parties do to improve sales".

They were quite unfortunate in terms of timing though. Whereas a few weeks ago many people would nod in agreement, that is not the case today given the news coming out from Sony. I wonder what the author is thinking right now.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:

@Bodhesatva: You have saved me the time of reading the article. I scanned through it just now and it appears you're right... it's based on the one-dimensional thinking which goes "what can they/3rd parties do to improve sales".

They were quite unfortunate in terms of timing though. Whereas a few weeks ago many people would nod in agreement, that is not the case today given the news coming out from Sony. I wonder what the author is thinking right now.


It's clear the author didn't do much thinking at all prior to writing the article, so why start now?


radioioRobert said:

On the Backwards Compatability issue. I sold my BC PS3 after 7 months of no games in mid 2007. If I were to give the PS3 another chance, BC would have to return. I have not one regret selling the PS3, LBP does look amazing, but I can live without it. I never even considered a Wii until summer 2007.

The beauty of the PSX & PS2 was that they were both consoles for everyone. There was hardcore, there were Disney princess games. Games for everyone. Because of that, PS2 was the biggest market expanding gaming console of all time, though Wii will ultimately take that crown. PS3 was focused on the hardcore, and BluRay, not the "average gamer". Multi plat guitar games don't sell PS3's. A new Buzz or Singstar title won't cut it either. Sony put themselves here. This was their market to lose. Hell, I waited over 20 hours in line to get a launch PS3. There was no Wii line (it launched a day or so later).

Thanks radioio Robert for expressing my thoughts exactly.   All the hardcore exclusive games in the world won't bring the PS3 to success now.   MS goaded Sony into fighting them on their own territory.   In doing so Sony abandoned all the casual gamers that had made the PS and especially the PS2 such successes. (And Nintendo scooped them up)

This article is stupid beyond belief.  How is losing more money to appeal to the same market going to help Sony?  They need to expand their audience not spill more blood trying to fight MS for the scraps of core gamers who havn't upgraded yet.   I'm losing all respect for IGN. 



Cypher1980 said:
TWRoO said:
Cypher1980 said:
Sony CEO : Its all gone tits up. I shall ask the mighty CELL for help.

CELL : I have the answer.

Sony CEO : Yes

CELL : Your not going to like it

Sony CEO : Tell me

CELL : Your really not going to like it.

Sony CEO : For Gods sake tell me !

CELL : Cut 8000 jobs and discontinue the PS3 immediately.

Sony CEO : Now thats what I call cold logic.

Now all Sony have to do is figure out exactly what question they asked the CELL in the first place.


Well read TWRoO.. Well read



doesn't make sense for the cell to want to discontinue itself... how else would it ever become skynet ?

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