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radioioRobert said:

On the Backwards Compatability issue. I sold my BC PS3 after 7 months of no games in mid 2007. If I were to give the PS3 another chance, BC would have to return. I have not one regret selling the PS3, LBP does look amazing, but I can live without it. I never even considered a Wii until summer 2007.

The beauty of the PSX & PS2 was that they were both consoles for everyone. There was hardcore, there were Disney princess games. Games for everyone. Because of that, PS2 was the biggest market expanding gaming console of all time, though Wii will ultimately take that crown. PS3 was focused on the hardcore, and BluRay, not the "average gamer". Multi plat guitar games don't sell PS3's. A new Buzz or Singstar title won't cut it either. Sony put themselves here. This was their market to lose. Hell, I waited over 20 hours in line to get a launch PS3. There was no Wii line (it launched a day or so later).

Thanks radioio Robert for expressing my thoughts exactly.   All the hardcore exclusive games in the world won't bring the PS3 to success now.   MS goaded Sony into fighting them on their own territory.   In doing so Sony abandoned all the casual gamers that had made the PS and especially the PS2 such successes. (And Nintendo scooped them up)

This article is stupid beyond belief.  How is losing more money to appeal to the same market going to help Sony?  They need to expand their audience not spill more blood trying to fight MS for the scraps of core gamers who havn't upgraded yet.   I'm losing all respect for IGN.