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I'm still recovering from this article blowing my feeble little mind.

This guys plan to save the PS3 is to spend more money on hardware price cuts and more money on hardcore blockbusters? Even after this has failed time and again over the last 2 years, with Sony spending 4 Billion+ dollars?

"Sure, it didn't work when Sony lost only 4 billion dollars in the last 3 years, but if they're willing to lose 1-2 billion more, it will work!"


It's as if Sony decided to start a fight with a big brawny guy. Their strategy? Punch him right in the face. The result? The guy brushed it off and beat the crap out of them. So what does Sony do next? Punch the guy even harder, which the guy brushes off again, and proceeds to beat them up again.

What has this editor at IGN learned? Apparently, if it doesn't work when you punch them in the face, and it doesn't work when you punch them really hard in the face, it should work when you punch them really, really really hard in the face!

Or... you could come up with a new strategy entirely, because pretty obviously the strategy you're trying isn't working.">">