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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN LIKES PARTY BABIEZ?!?

I swear its no joke...The reviewer really did like the game. You know, the one game that labeled Ubi as Satan?

What I find funny is that Wii Music gets trashed and labeled a "shovelware title", while the game that LOOKED like a shovelware title gets better treatment. Go figure...

*For the record, I don't see Ubi as evil, and I think Party Babiez will find an audience. I just find it funny how a site so knee deep in hardcore views that it surprises me how this got a better review that some of Nintendo's titles

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.....O_o I'm getting more and more counfused by IGN....

Former something....


According to IGN, Party Babiez is better than Mirror's Edge. Nice.

Ubisoft knows how to make games on wii. Support Ubisoft to make great games like this.

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Can't think of anything to say to express how confused I'm really am now.

What's interesting is this was not written by one of IGN's regular staff.

I'll be honest, I really wanted to hate Party Babyz. We as gamers have, after all, been trained for years to be suspicious of mini-game compilations, to ignore products with babies on the cover and to absolutely abhor games using the letter "z" in their titles as an indication of a plural. I had all these great jokes lined up, a whole list of witty and sarcastic remarks that would have forced the developers into early retirement and ultimately secured my reputation as one the most scathing and hilarious freelancers the IGN readership had ever seen. That list now sits crumpled at the bottom of my trash bin.

Interesting he admits he had a whole bit ready and kicked it to the curb because he felt the game wasn't bad afterall.


I think I'll get this instead of Tales of Symphonia..... =p just kidding

Didn't expect this to be a good game. Good for Ubisoft, at least it will be fun for people that buy it.

I liked this part of the review:

"I'll be honest, I really wanted to hate Party Babyz. We as gamers have, after all, been trained for years to be suspicious of mini-game compilations, to ignore products with babies on the cover and to absolutely abhor games using the letter "z" in their titles as an indication of a plural. I had all these great jokes lined up, a whole list of witty and sarcastic remarks that would have forced the developers into early retirement and ultimately secured my reputation as one the most scathing and hilarious freelancers the IGN readership had ever seen. That list now sits crumpled at the bottom of my trash bin."

hahaha awesome!

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What's wrong with them liking it. Too many people associate bad things with things that don't relate to them. Hell I'm sure all those High School Musical things aren't that bad it is just it doesn't appeal to me. I'm not going to say it is awful because of that.

Same thing here. It's possible the game is quite good but I'll never be able to see that because it doesn't appeal to me. That doesn't give me a reason to rant on it unjustifiably though.

Come on, at least the reviewer is more open to interpreting a game, while most other reviewers would smack it down with biased, subjective, hardcore elitist negative views. (btw do not smack babiez)

This is what being a critic is all about, having the balls to stand up at some point and tell the rest of us that we might be wrong.

The problem with reviewers, who criticise most Wii games, is that they seemingly never look beyond superficial shit like waggle, SD graphics and the casualised form of the Wii version. Here you have a journalist who clearly judged the game on other factors.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.