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I think I'll get this instead of Tales of Symphonia..... =p just kidding

Didn't expect this to be a good game. Good for Ubisoft, at least it will be fun for people that buy it.

I liked this part of the review:

"I'll be honest, I really wanted to hate Party Babyz. We as gamers have, after all, been trained for years to be suspicious of mini-game compilations, to ignore products with babies on the cover and to absolutely abhor games using the letter "z" in their titles as an indication of a plural. I had all these great jokes lined up, a whole list of witty and sarcastic remarks that would have forced the developers into early retirement and ultimately secured my reputation as one the most scathing and hilarious freelancers the IGN readership had ever seen. That list now sits crumpled at the bottom of my trash bin."

hahaha awesome!

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