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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Uncharted any good?

Its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than good. A must buy, especially leading up to Uncharted 2

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Well I have a rental service so getting Uncharted will be no problem :p


Is Uncharted any good? Did you really just ask that question? Maybe you should give your PS3 to someone that would actually appreciate it...

Uncharted is pretty much the best game on PS3, only CoD 4 and GTA IV can come close in my eyes



I have to disagree...Uncharted is good but not that good.. lol

also GTA IV???


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Its a great but short game with great production values...

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
Its a great but short game with great production values...


 How short? Is the replay value any good?

I told myself that this gen, I wouldn't buy any singleplayer-only games unless they're crazy-good. If they don't come close to Zelda:OoT's quality, then I usually end up feeling like I wasted my money.

PSN: Parasitic_Link

mtofu said:
is it an easy game? how many difficulty settings are there?


I think there are 3 settings to begin with (Easy, Normal, Hard).  Once you complete the game on Hard, you unlock Crushing mode.  There were times during Crushing where I wanted to throw my controller, but my hand was stuck in a hole in my wall. 

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



leo-j said:


I have to disagree...Uncharted is good but not that good.. lol

also GTA IV???

Maybe LPB as well, but I have stealth games so MGS 4 does not feature

Parasitic said:
colonelstubbs said:
Its a great but short game with great production values...


How short? Is the replay value any good?

I told myself that this gen, I wouldn't buy any singleplayer-only games unless they're crazy-good. If they don't come close to Zelda:OoT's quality, then I usually end up feeling like I wasted my money.


It's not terribly short, and yes, replay value is good, so good, great. Get it now, go.