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Forums - Sales Discussion - Rembembering Xmas 06'

Sevengen said:
SMcc1887 said:
Some threads are delusional, only some. PS3 still has a bright future, and a good price reduction can and should do damage. I do see the PS3 passing the 360's LTD sales, but I see this happening like 2011/12.(a long long time away)

agreed, once a price reduction rolls around for the PS3, there's no doubt sales will take off. It's an awesome machine whose technology might let it hang around a bit with whatever MS releases next, at least for a bit.

but... why do you see it passing in LTD sales, it seems as though those types of preditions always revolve around the PS3's market resurgance through pricing and big name title releases, while neglecting any relevant moves MS might make to counter. I just see so many posts that predict this and very few of them take into account what the other company will do, as though MS is just going to sit there, staticly, taking no action whatsover... no big game releases, no price drops, nothing new to introduce. "alright, we've been out for three years now, it's been a good run... whadaya say we call it a day huh and do nothing"

61/2 million is allot to make up, wouldn't be a problem if you're competition stopped selling all together, but that's not going to happen. It certainly isn't impossible for the PS3 to eventually land in second place, but so many just seem to take it for granted without any rational thought as to how... not saying you did that, you didn't... just wondering WHY you think that.


I believe this as I think any further M$ price cut wont do as much damage as the current one,  I feel in a few years PS3 game quality will be superior, I believe that the 360 will be discontinued alot before the PS3 and that the PS3 will have some good sales when the new, supposedly "expensive X720 comes out" and I believe Blu Ray will become the new DVD, again seeing console sales surge.

These are just my opinions, and you will probably disagree with them



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darthdevidem01 said:
Wow....someone needs to rethink their life.

you better be glad we don't go around making threads like these....cus in 06/07 the most hated console WAS the PS3

n some of the crap people said about it was ridiculous....n trust me it sounds worse than some of the arguments you have listed.

There are idiots on every side....

"two can play this game"

so I suggest you run away now.

rethink my life?... what? I can't even begin to figure out how that absolutely random and irrelevent response congealed inside you brain to an actual thought.

I'm not dissing the PS3, nor am I 'playing a game'.......seriously......? What I am doing is wondering why PS3 fans keep reiterating the exact same argument they used two years ago, when obviously, that one didn't work out too well.

Before insulting someone because you have nothing of any value to say, read the post again and try to come up with something worthwhile.



SMcc1887 said:
Sevengen said:
SMcc1887 said:
Some threads are delusional, only some. PS3 still has a bright future, and a good price reduction can and should do damage. I do see the PS3 passing the 360's LTD sales, but I see this happening like 2011/12.(a long long time away)

agreed, once a price reduction rolls around for the PS3, there's no doubt sales will take off. It's an awesome machine whose technology might let it hang around a bit with whatever MS releases next, at least for a bit.

but... why do you see it passing in LTD sales, it seems as though those types of preditions always revolve around the PS3's market resurgance through pricing and big name title releases, while neglecting any relevant moves MS might make to counter. I just see so many posts that predict this and very few of them take into account what the other company will do, as though MS is just going to sit there, staticly, taking no action whatsover... no big game releases, no price drops, nothing new to introduce. "alright, we've been out for three years now, it's been a good run... whadaya say we call it a day huh and do nothing"

61/2 million is allot to make up, wouldn't be a problem if you're competition stopped selling all together, but that's not going to happen. It certainly isn't impossible for the PS3 to eventually land in second place, but so many just seem to take it for granted without any rational thought as to how... not saying you did that, you didn't... just wondering WHY you think that.


I believe this as I think any further M$ price cut wont do as much damage as the current one,  I feel in a few years PS3 game quality will be superior, I believe that the 360 will be discontinued alot before the PS3 and that the PS3 will have some good sales when the new, supposedly "expensive X720 comes out" and I believe Blu Ray will become the new DVD, again seeing console sales surge.

These are just my opinions, and you will probably disagree with them



sorta agree, sorta don't... but it's cool to see someone think defend they're assumptions with logic instead of going.. "because the PS3 will FTW, that's why"



It's important to remember that the PS3 WAS outselling the 360 all year this year until the Xbox's price cut. I mean, it obviously didn't work out NEARLY as well as Playstation fans hoped, but it at least showed that it's capable of competing under the right conditions.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
The_God_of_War said:
So you made a thread to piss and whine about what some random PS3 fans said a couple of years ago? Thank god the 360 fans are such paragons of virtue and righteousness, it's not like they ever used to say "the PS3 has no games" and "the PS3 will be discontinued by the end of 2007". Yep, that never, ever happened. I'm not pissing and whining about what some random PS3 fan said two years ago.... i'm asking WHY they're still doing the same thing. I mean, it's right there in front of you. How do you confuse that?

You know what, nevermind. Pointless with some, you saw a thread that wasn't a 'PS3's the second coming of Christ' thread and decided to just attack instead of reading. You're the exact type of forum poster I'm actually trying to figure out.

Oh well... not really important anyway.


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@Sevengen people/analyst thoughts change more quickly than changing their underwear. More than a year ago PS3 was dead, A half year ago it was over for X360, now is PS3 dead. And probably next year X360 will be dead again. The PS3 is only two years in this gen a lot can happen. (To give ya an idea, when PS One was two years on the market in Japan a lot thought Sega Saturn will eventually beat it and both will be beaten by the N64) .

Yes, I to was saying that the PS3 will overtake the 360 by the end of 08... but we wherent many, thats for shore, 360 fanboys where flooding the forums...

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