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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In your opinion, between Sony and MS, who has better 1st/2nd party titles?

BTFeather55 said:They just don't have the cute characters and wonderful soap opera meets end of the world storylines found in the best jrpgs.


That is why I will consider and even purchase a game such as Oblivion or Fallout 3. 

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most of the big games coming next year on ps3 are sony titles............thats the best way to go as stuff like gt5 gow killzone etc wont make their way onto other consoles unlike games like mgs4 and ff13 etc

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Some thoughts on topic... When I bought my GameCube and Dreamcast I was aware that I'm buyng Nintendo console only for Nintendo games and Sega console only for Sega games respectively (sure there're a couple of exclusives on GC and DC, but not as good as 1st party titles for these consoles). PS3 has survived a terrible launch - no big 3rd party support, despite of anticipation, and, unlike Nintendo this generation, no big 1st party support (Nintendo knew they could be successful with new gamers through word of mouth of Nintendo fanboys, who bought Wii on day one). Things are changing over time and PS3 is getting better, but the same trend is still remaining... it looks like this time I'll buy PlayStation 3 only for Sony games.

BTFeather55 said:
The thing about Western rpgs...they might sell a lot but they are mainly awful games. The only good western rpgs were made in the eighties: The Ultima series, SSI's Dungeons and Dragon's Gold Box games and a couple in the nineties Baldur's Gate and Diablo. They haven't made any strides since then other than in graphics. And games like Oblivion and Fallout 3 haven't made any strides in graphics as they are still the headache inducing things first person games they were back in the Wizardry, Akalabeth, Dungeon Master, and pre Heroes Might and Magic days.

They just don't have the cute characters and wonderful soap opera meets end of the world storylines found in the best jrpgs.

Yeah, Fallout 1/2, Baldur's Gate, KOTOR... All games that didn't move the genre forward at all.

Seriously, what the hell are you smoking? You can make an argument that WRPGs haven't progressed much since KOTOR, but the mid-80s? WTF?

And Diablo? That's barely even an RPG. You may not like WRPGs much, but that post is just foolish. There have been loads of great games made by various developers over the years.

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coolestguyever said:

Sony Dude of course

1. GT > Forza (generally accepted)

2. Resistance = Gears (In my opinion)

3. God of War > Fable

4. Crackdown and "Rare titles" are no big deal

I'll give Microsoft credit for Halo though, thats a fun game. Nothing matches it on PS3 except Killzone 2

1. OK?........The J man will let that slide because you obviously havent played gears 2.

2. Why did you compare GOW 3 to fable 2? Why not ninja gaiden 2?

3. Who decides whats "a big deal"? Just because you dont like it doesnt mean it wont get a good score and sell millions (which makes it a big deal) like crackdown and "rare titles".  You do realize half the games availiable on ps3 arent a "big deal" do you still enjoy them?




N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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In terms of producing quality titles it's undoubtedly Sony I don't even think it's worth comparing MS's & Sony's 1st/2nd party offerings with each other . I think that Sony's offerings even surpass that of Nintendo's .

The sigifnicant sales difference between many high selling Sony/Nintendo titles makes my opinion apear flawed ; sales were never the biggest measure of quality however.

Zlejedi said:
Godot said:
Who has sold the most games this generation? I'm not sure but I think it's Microsoft.

I also think Microsoft has a more diverse lineup than Sony.


Does that mean MacDonald produces best food in the world ?

And if by diverse you mean crapload of shooters + one casual rpg + some racers than sure :D


Well, there's more than that to Microsoft first-party.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Godot said:
Zlejedi said:
Godot said:
Who has sold the most games this generation? I'm not sure but I think it's Microsoft.

I also think Microsoft has a more diverse lineup than Sony.


Does that mean MacDonald produces best food in the world ?

And if by diverse you mean crapload of shooters + one casual rpg + some racers than sure :D


Well, there's more than that to Microsoft first-party.


First party, I think nintendo has one up in terms of sales.


Acevil said:
Godot said:
Zlejedi said:
Godot said:
Who has sold the most games this generation? I'm not sure but I think it's Microsoft.

I also think Microsoft has a more diverse lineup than Sony.


Does that mean MacDonald produces best food in the world ?

And if by diverse you mean crapload of shooters + one casual rpg + some racers than sure :D


Well, there's more than that to Microsoft first-party.


First party, I think nintendo has one up in terms of sales.


quality wise and polish sony have uberhand, you won't see games like killzone 2, gran turismo 3, god of war 3, uncharted, or heavy rain on the other consoles, in the same amount of polish and budget given to it.

that they sell less well sales != quality.