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Forums - Sales Discussion - WII domination 800.000 wii sold in one week in NA during Thanksgiving

DMeisterJ said:
Good ioi seems to be close. But wouldn't that make ioi wrong give the 10 percent-ish for Canada/Mexico? That'd put our U.S. numbers up to about 720k? Anywhere 50-80k below their numbers? That'd mean an upward adjustment is in order.


Well, I don't believe the Canadians have the same Black Friday madness as the Americans, so for this week a disproportially big part of the sales will come from the US. 

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@BengaBenga: No, we have boxing week sales in Canada which are basically the same thing as your black Friday yet at the opposite end of the holliday. However having walked through a few stores here during that week I can say that the Wii must have sold better that week then it had a few weeks before. As I saw Wii's a few weeks ago most everywhere I went and yet during the week of American Thanksgiving it was all sold out and a lot of people were asking if the stores had any copies of Wii Fit.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Iwata also said that DS sales were up 20% in that interview. I wrote a Black Friday piece last year from Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft Press Releases that said that Nintendo sold 653,000 DS during Black Friday week 2007...which was a record.

So basically, Iwata said for Black Friday week in the USA:

2008 Black Friday = DS Black Friday 2007 * 1.2 = 780k+

Wii ~ 800k

That means these are likely the all time records for Nintendo hardware. Not hard to imagine 4m Wiis in December if the supply holds up.

Anyway, I have a Black Friday round up for 2008 on the front page with the links

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

ioi pays Satoru Iwata confirmed!

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Do people expect another 800K this past week (week after Black Friday week) for the Wii. I cant see how that could happen. Black Friday week I saw stacks of Wii's all week long and not until Saturday evening did I find places sold out. This past week I didnt see a single Wii until Saturday afternoon at the target in Willow Springs, IL.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

The thing about Wii is that people tend to take it out for Thanksgiving to show their friends and family.

There will be a drop next week I'd imagine...but "Others" and Japan should pick up most of the slack. December tends to double November, so if our 1.6m estimate for the USA in November pans out...they need about 640,000/week in December for the USA, or 700,000/week for the Americas.

It will probably be more like 500k/800k/1200k/550k/150k for the five weeks ending December Dec 7/Dec 14/Dec 21/Dec 28/Jan 4.

DS is going to be ridiculous as well although probably on par with last year rather than drastically higher.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu