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The thing about Wii is that people tend to take it out for Thanksgiving to show their friends and family.

There will be a drop next week I'd imagine...but "Others" and Japan should pick up most of the slack. December tends to double November, so if our 1.6m estimate for the USA in November pans out...they need about 640,000/week in December for the USA, or 700,000/week for the Americas.

It will probably be more like 500k/800k/1200k/550k/150k for the five weeks ending December Dec 7/Dec 14/Dec 21/Dec 28/Jan 4.

DS is going to be ridiculous as well although probably on par with last year rather than drastically higher.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu