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Forums - Sales Discussion - Star Ocean 4 or White Knight Chronicles?

leo-j said:
WKC will outsell SO4 by 10 to 1 at the least, unless square isnt retarded and releases it on the ps3..

Care to bet on that?


-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

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Grahamhsu said:
leo-j said:
WKC will outsell SO4 by 10 to 1 at the least, unless square isnt retarded and releases it on the ps3..

Care to bet on that?


Don't do it leo-j.



really tough.i loved star ocean(TtEoT was crap) and White knight is looking to be incredible.i love level 5 (dark cloud=amazing).i think im more excited for white Knight by just a little.



Japan gives WKC the edge but it's a new IP while SO4 is from an old beloved IP so it really depends on how well WKC is received in Japan.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

star ocean 4 looks great , white knight chronicles looks good but not in star oceans league. i have always liked the star ocean series and i think it will sell pretty good and i also think white knight will sell good too but mainly in japan where its more wanted by gamers. unless sony really gets the word out and shows lots of tv ads and in magazines about the game, then white knight chronicles might not sell very well here in the states. as for lifetime sales it could be close since the star ocean series has never had a true break out smash hit before, they usually sell around 1 million or so uints. i will buy white knight chronicles since i own a ps3, but star ocean 4 makes me want to get a 360 again just for that game.





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I say WKC.

As for which one I will buy, again I say WKC

4 ≈ One

my gut tells me WKC...and I'm 100% certain that I'm gonna buy this on day 1.

star ocean 4 looks great , white knight chronicles looks good but not in star oceans league. i have always liked the star ocean series and i think it will sell pretty good and i also think white knight will sell good too but mainly in japan where its more wanted by gamers. unless sony really gets the word out and shows lots of tv ads and in magazines about the game, then white knight chronicles might not sell very well here in the states. as for lifetime sales it could be close since the star ocean series has never had a true break out smash hit before, they usually sell around 1 million or so uints. i will buy white knight chronicles since i own a ps3, but star ocean 4 makes me want to get a 360 again just for that game.

You have pretty much summed up my opinion, sales-wise.


Riachu said:
el_rika said:
I think it's pretty much a given that WKC will outsell Star Ocean 4 (if it remains Xbox only) at least 2 to 1.
Japan and Europe will see huge WKC sales in my opinion as it is the game that many PS3 owners are waiting for and frankly, that first gameplay trailer released from the game back then still looks better than any JRPG gameplay i've seen so far this gen.

Why is there still an assumption that 360 owners don't care about JRPGs? Hasn't LO's sales told you people anything? Heck, for all we know, those JRPG loving PS2 owners could be going with the 360 instead of the PS3.


Because the assumption that one game that sold moderately well while the rest kinda flopped =/= 360 owners like JRPGs. I saw you make a comparison saying WRPGs. WRPGs =/= JRPGs. Don't compare Oblivion to Eternal Sonata. And speaking of ES.....why not use that game in your posts? lol


BMaker11 said:
Riachu said:
el_rika said:
I think it's pretty much a given that WKC will outsell Star Ocean 4 (if it remains Xbox only) at least 2 to 1.
Japan and Europe will see huge WKC sales in my opinion as it is the game that many PS3 owners are waiting for and frankly, that first gameplay trailer released from the game back then still looks better than any JRPG gameplay i've seen so far this gen.

Why is there still an assumption that 360 owners don't care about JRPGs? Hasn't LO's sales told you people anything? Heck, for all we know, those JRPG loving PS2 owners could be going with the 360 instead of the PS3.


Because the assumption that one game that sold moderately well while the rest kinda flopped =/= 360 owners like JRPGs. I saw you make a comparison saying WRPGs. WRPGs =/= JRPGs. Don't compare Oblivion to Eternal Sonata. And speaking of ES.....why not use that game in your posts? lol



 You also must understand that almost every single JRPG that has come out for 360 so far has been pretty bad, especially in terms of reviews. Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia are basically the only two JRPGS almost unanimously accepted as great. TLR, Eternal Sonata, and Infinite Undiscovery are all, to many seasoned JRPG players and gamers, bad. Lost Odyssey has sold very well, especially for not being AAA.

Tales of vesperia sold bad because of the clusterfu** Namco pulled with marketing and shipping, and yet if numbers were adjusted it would easily be the best selling Tales game in the US since Symphonia. Add to that its not AAA(To me it is) then you've got impressive sales.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.