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Forums - Sales Discussion - Star Ocean 4 or White Knight Chronicles?

Aiemond said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Aiemond said:
SO4 will most likely sell better. In japan, both VC and the 360 rpgs have sold similar numbers. Since WKC is made by square it prolly will get bigger numbers in Japan, but still, VC was an excellent game, prolly better than either of these two. SO4 will easily get larger numbers in others and america because it has a bigger brand name. It has had two very good games in the seriers ( the original and the second story) and a decent one in 3 (other than the story shit).

And VC is not "niche" in Japan, any more so than WKC.


This makes all other points you said worth absolutly nothing. Especially your last line.


So I made a mistake on the company and thus everything is invalidated? The only thing that is invalidated is the fact that it would sell more most likely. How does this make my last line obsolete? VC is a great game from a good series with name recognition. Yes, SRPGs don't tend to sell as much, but good ones do. The fact is, it sold like shit on a system that Japan is supposed to love and then sold shit in America. How is WKC going to do any better? Its going to sell some in Japan, prolly about the same as SO4, maybe less, and SO has a much larger name recognition in America.


Is this all you can bring up or do you have anything actually constructive to say? Or are you now saying that SO and SO2 are shit games since you said everything in my post is wrong now.



Sory but VC is a new IP =X

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Aiemond said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Aiemond said:
SO4 will most likely sell better. In japan, both VC and the 360 rpgs have sold similar numbers. Since WKC is made by square it prolly will get bigger numbers in Japan, but still, VC was an excellent game, prolly better than either of these two. SO4 will easily get larger numbers in others and america because it has a bigger brand name. It has had two very good games in the seriers ( the original and the second story) and a decent one in 3 (other than the story shit).

And VC is not "niche" in Japan, any more so than WKC.


This makes all other points you said worth absolutly nothing. Especially your last line.


So I made a mistake on the company and thus everything is invalidated? The only thing that is invalidated is the fact that it would sell more most likely. How does this make my last line obsolete? VC is a great game from a good series with name recognition. Yes, SRPGs don't tend to sell as much, but good ones do. The fact is, it sold like shit on a system that Japan is supposed to love and then sold shit in America. How is WKC going to do any better? Its going to sell some in Japan, prolly about the same as SO4, maybe less, and SO has a much larger name recognition in America.


Is this all you can bring up or do you have anything actually constructive to say? Or are you now saying that SO and SO2 are shit games since you said everything in my post is wrong now.


 Went to quote you to say something but now I see Deotox already said it for me.

I think that list will show you how well star ocean will sell in Japan. Putting it on the 360 castrated itself from sales.

You said SO will sell because of name recognition so how come Tales of sold the least on the 360? Tales of has name recognition.

Max King of the Wild said:

I think that list will show you how well star ocean will sell in Japan. Putting it on the 360 castrated itself from sales.

You said SO will sell because of name recognition so how come Tales of sold the least on the 360? Tales of has name recognition.

I think he is refering to Western sales and not Japanese sales of the game.


Star Ocean 1 and 2 were great games, but 3 was a major disappointment for me. So while Ièm still very much looking forward to SO4, Im wary of the quality.

White Knight Chronicles similarly has me somewhat wary with Level 5ès minor stumble with Rogue Galaxy, but I feel Level 5 has greater potential than Tri-ace as experienced from playing DQIX and Dark Cloud as well as Star Ocean and Radiata Stories.

In terms of sales, I have no idea. Ièm terrible at predictions.

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WKC will blow the socks off SO4.

In a sense, its the PS3's first real (non-port) JRPG. VC is a SRPG -- totally different, and very niche, genre, really, unless you're... you know, ignorant about RPGs. =)

Disgaea 3 is also a SRPG.

Enchanted Arms, Eternal Sonata... both ports, and bound to not do as well as they could have. Folklore is a great game, but its pretty far from your standard JRPG as well... niche title, in the same manner as SRPGs like VC and Disgaea 3.

As the first "original release" JRPG on the PS3, it will do phenominally well. The fact that it's made by a RPG company as skilled as Level 5 simply means it has more mega-hit potential then it might have otherwise. The JRPGs available on the 360 are pretty much is sole reason for its continued existance in Japan... and in my household as well. RPGers will jump ship as soon as their PS3s begin to get a decent amount of RPGs.

Soriku said:
SO4 will be the better game, but I think WKC will sell more.

Vice versa for me(WKC will be better but SO4 will sell more in [worldwide sales])



Yeah because we all know how well The Last Remnant and Infinite Undiscovery sold coming from S-E. /sarcasm


Star Ocean looks better, but I think WKC will sell more.

And for all you fun little people out there who thinks its because its on 360, lemme put it this way: If Star Ocean gets the same amount of E3 hype and marketing as WKC has and will, it will sell better. You wanna quote me on it go ahead.

But I don't think it will. If MS was publishing Star Ocean 4 though, you can bet it'd have sales better then that of Lost Odyssey

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Shadowblind said:

Star Ocean looks better, but I think WKC will sell more. And for all you fun little people out there who thinks its because its on 360, lemme put it this way: If Star Ocean gets the same amount of E3 hype and marketing as WKC, it will sell better.

But I don't think it will.


I am going by pedigree here but Level 5>tri-Ace in terms of overall quality of respective games

Riachu said:
Shadowblind said:

Star Ocean looks better, but I think WKC will sell more. And for all you fun little people out there who thinks its because its on 360, lemme put it this way: If Star Ocean gets the same amount of E3 hype and marketing as WKC, it will sell better.

But I don't think it will.


I am going by pedigree here but Level 5>tri-Ace in terms of overall quality of respective games

Where was I talking about quality? I'm pretty sure this is in terms of sales and graphics. And graphics we can already see. Besides, as far as Star Ocean goes its my second favorite JRPG series, i.e. I had more fun with it then Dark Cloud.


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.