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WKC will blow the socks off SO4.

In a sense, its the PS3's first real (non-port) JRPG. VC is a SRPG -- totally different, and very niche, genre, really, unless you're... you know, ignorant about RPGs. =)

Disgaea 3 is also a SRPG.

Enchanted Arms, Eternal Sonata... both ports, and bound to not do as well as they could have. Folklore is a great game, but its pretty far from your standard JRPG as well... niche title, in the same manner as SRPGs like VC and Disgaea 3.

As the first "original release" JRPG on the PS3, it will do phenominally well. The fact that it's made by a RPG company as skilled as Level 5 simply means it has more mega-hit potential then it might have otherwise. The JRPGs available on the 360 are pretty much is sole reason for its continued existance in Japan... and in my household as well. RPGers will jump ship as soon as their PS3s begin to get a decent amount of RPGs.