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Riachu said:
Shadowblind said:

Star Ocean looks better, but I think WKC will sell more. And for all you fun little people out there who thinks its because its on 360, lemme put it this way: If Star Ocean gets the same amount of E3 hype and marketing as WKC, it will sell better.

But I don't think it will.


I am going by pedigree here but Level 5>tri-Ace in terms of overall quality of respective games

Where was I talking about quality? I'm pretty sure this is in terms of sales and graphics. And graphics we can already see. Besides, as far as Star Ocean goes its my second favorite JRPG series, i.e. I had more fun with it then Dark Cloud.


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.