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Forums - Sales Discussion - Star Ocean 4 or White Knight Chronicles?

Which game will sell more in its lifetime?

Which games looks better?

If someone could post some screenshots, that would be great

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Star Ocean 4.


Whichever one is bundled the most.

Star Ocean is 360 exclusive... so WKC will sell more.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Star Ocean is 360 exclusive... so WKC will sell more.



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White Knight Chronicles will easily sell more.

As for graphics The character Models are better in Star Ocean IV(even though I find them ugly)

But I think White Knight chronicles Is better in its Environments.

EDIT: And if you meam looks better as in the whole game and not just the graphics, then I'd say White Knigth Chronicles by a longshot.

In terms of looking better, I'd say Star Ocean only because what I've seen of WKC's battle system has not been very good, though my opinion could change when I see more.

Sales are a toss up. It depends which game is appreciated more by the West.

I haven't seen enough of either to tell you which one will look or play better.

But sadly I agree 100% with Okey's post. The 360 just doesn't move JRPG's :x I have a feeling WKC will sell much better.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I think WKC will sell better, but at the moment Star Ocean 4 is exciting me more. Though neither have release dates for Europe yet

WKC will outsell SO4 by 10 to 1 at the least, unless square isnt retarded and releases it on the ps3..

