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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will 2009 be the year the PS2 finally dies??

*Salutes the PS2*

Truly a god among consoles.


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No PS2 still has a long time to live. Its days in the US, and Japan may be numbered, but it has tons of room to expand. Courties with lesser incomes will see the PS2 released, and Sony will begin to create a fan base in those locations. The PS2 hardware is extreamly cheap to make, and is perfect for parts of south america, africa, and india. It gives the people in those areas a chance to experiance an amazing device that is a very new experiance to them, at a low price, and it has a huge library of games that Sony can sell them at a very low prices, all while making a nice R&D buget.

I do think in the upper tier countries like the US, Japan, some parts of Europe, and Austrailia we will see a shift in attiontion from Sony. With the PS3 becoming profitable next year they will have less of a need to sell PS2's to make up the differance. This will allow them to give the PS2 its one last price drop to $99 USA. If Sony has any brains in the company they are going to have PS2 emulation at some point next year to help consumers confedince in purchaseeing from PS2 - PS3.

The PS2 will be in the US for at least a couple of more years. As long as Sony is making money on it, it makes no sense to cut it. The system is perfect for parents getting a console for their kids bedroom. At $99, with a large library of high quality $9.99 games like the entire Jak series, The Ratchet series, The Metal Gear series, Gran Turismo 4, and more, it is the perfect gaming device.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


it should so ps3 can get some more buyers it's hitting 9 years old in jap this march and 9 years old 4 us and eu in the fall of 09 but i think it'll be around 2011 is wen it start dieing hopefully they bring back B/C for the ps3 b4 then


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The ps2 will be discontinue, when sony releases a playstation 3 model for $299 that includes full BC for ps2 games.



Well they did open it up as an Open Source dev platform and are pushing it in India and China so I would say 2011.

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KBG29 said:
No PS2 still has a long time to live. Its days in the US, and Japan may be numbered, but it has tons of room to expand. Courties with lesser incomes will see the PS2 released, and Sony will begin to create a fan base in those locations. The PS2 hardware is extreamly cheap to make, and is perfect for parts of south america, africa, and india. It gives the people in those areas a chance to experiance an amazing device that is a very new experiance to them, at a low price, and it has a huge library of games that Sony can sell them at a very low prices, all while making a nice R&D buget.

I do think in the upper tier countries like the US, Japan, some parts of Europe, and Austrailia we will see a shift in attiontion from Sony. With the PS3 becoming profitable next year they will have less of a need to sell PS2's to make up the differance. This will allow them to give the PS2 its one last price drop to $99 USA. If Sony has any brains in the company they are going to have PS2 emulation at some point next year to help consumers confedince in purchaseeing from PS2 - PS3.

The PS2 will be in the US for at least a couple of more years. As long as Sony is making money on it, it makes no sense to cut it. The system is perfect for parents getting a console for their kids bedroom. At $99, with a large library of high quality $9.99 games like the entire Jak series, The Ratchet series, The Metal Gear series, Gran Turismo 4, and more, it is the perfect gaming device.

They really should have most PS2 games priced at $9.99-$14.99, I mean they already made a shitload of money on the software enough to recoup costs and stuff so now all it costs them is to actually manufacture the DVD/manuals and cases. This is the same reason why, if they do want to combat piracy in countries like Brazil, they should have the games at those prices at the very most, I can easily find a new PS2 game for $5 in Brazil. Most people I know would rather play the original copy, but when the original costs $80 and the pirated copy costs $5, it's a no brainer.



It will certainly survive till 2010, although i think the days of it occasionally outselling the PS3 are over

That depends on what you mean. In large numbers, I guess the production stop could be 2009, but more likely 2010.

If you mean last time they ship units, that could be as late as even 2015.

Look at previous consoles.

Nintendo shipped NES units in 2003 - 20 years after its initial launch.

GB shipped in 2005, 16 years after its initial launch

Psx shipped in 2005 - 10 years after its initial launch

SNES shipped in 2001, 11 years after its initial launch.


So the last FY the Ps2 ships will probably be in 2013-2015.


So far, every single console/handheld that has won its generation has sold for 10 years. The only possible exception being the GBA (launched 2001, might have last shipments in 2010)


That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

The PS2 still rakes in money....when it stops, thats when they will take it down

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

It still has at least 2 years left, probably more. I mean if games like madden are still released on the xbox the ps2 will certainly get many ports for years to come considering many ps2 games sell at similar levels to ps3 games and in some cases even sell more.