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That depends on what you mean. In large numbers, I guess the production stop could be 2009, but more likely 2010.

If you mean last time they ship units, that could be as late as even 2015.

Look at previous consoles.

Nintendo shipped NES units in 2003 - 20 years after its initial launch.

GB shipped in 2005, 16 years after its initial launch

Psx shipped in 2005 - 10 years after its initial launch

SNES shipped in 2001, 11 years after its initial launch.


So the last FY the Ps2 ships will probably be in 2013-2015.


So far, every single console/handheld that has won its generation has sold for 10 years. The only possible exception being the GBA (launched 2001, might have last shipments in 2010)


That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS