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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii for the family

Okay, this is really wierd for me.

My parents are seperated, and my brothers and I shift from living with our mom to our dad and vice versa every sunday. So I get home to my dad, and we are told that there are no presents for advents (We have that in Denmark, only small packages of course).

Then my dad takes my two younger brothers for a drive, while my stepmother tells me that there is in fact presents and I am going to open them all up. And what is it? A Wii. With an extra controller.

At this point I am slightly baffled, but my stepmother tells me that this is for the entire family and counts for two advents presents. I am now less baffled, though still baffled. Now it becomes my job to plug in the Wii and set it up before my dad and brothers come home.

Now, I can say that it was a success, but there is only so much fun you can have with Wii Sports (and my parents agree).

So I want to have your suggestions for what a good family game for the Wii could be. My brothers are both 14 years old, and will play pretty much anything that is fun.

My first thought was MKWii and then SSBB (But I don't think SSBB is something my parents would like). I'm mainly after good multiplayer experiences here, and I don't really know what good games there would be for both my brothers and my parents. Oh, and we already have Guitar Hero for PS2, in case anyone would suggest that.

Also, the Wii is not connected to the internet, I have no idea if it ever will be, so I would like to emphazise that I am looking for local multiplayer experiences

Thanks in advance


I am going to use this to my advantage of course, I have wanted to play some of the games on the Wii, but there hasn't been enough to justify buying one. So I will buy games for our Wii, that I can take with me when I move away from home, and get my own eventually.

Feel free to give some suggestions for that as well (I will be getting SMG, MadWorld, RE4 possibly and hopefully I will be able to track down a copy of Eternal Darkness).

EDIT: I will strangle anyone who says Wii Music, it is out of the question.

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I suggest Mario Kart Wii and WiiMusic - I know you don't want the last one, but...
Those 2 were the only ones my sister showed interest and played. She played mostly Mario Kart. My parents played SMG.

Boom Blox is good, but it's a very short experience.

WarioWare:SM recommended, there only a few minigames that are hard to play, it's very fun.

Samba de Amigo has awful controls, I do NOT recommend it.

I also recommend Animal Crossing.

I'm trying to remember more games, I'll be editing this post with more games.

Formação do indíviduo, transformação da sociedade.

Mario Kart should probably be at the top of your list. Maybe Animal Crossing too if that's your sort of thing. I know me and my brother were obsessed with it when we got it for the Gamecube.


As multiplayer games:
MK and SSBB are probably the top two. Some others:
Wairoware smooth moves
Rayman series of games and don't forget the butt controller for the third
GH WT Band... That's good for at least 3 people to play at once.

How many players can you play locally in BoomBlox?
Is there multiplayer in WarioWare?

I don't actually think Animal Crossing is my kind of game, from what I have seen/read it seems really, really, really dull.

And about Wii Music, 1) I am just following the consensus of "toy" rather then "game", 2) I am quite certain my family will not be into it, which is why I will feel free to write horrible things about, should I choose to do so.

I heard good things about De Blob, is that something you could recommend as a family game, or should I add it to my private list perhaps?

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There is multiplayer is WarioWare, but it has to be unlocked. It will take a long time to unlock every little minigame, but you can unlock enough for multiplayer in a matter of hours if I remember correctly.

The ignorant Wii Music hate is hilarious. Unless of course you've actually spent time with the game, then my apologies.

I'd recommend Mario Party 8, any of the Rayman games (there are 3 now I think), MKWii, and Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution 2. That's just off the top of my head.

Also, SSBB is hardly a brutal or violent game, so what are the reasons your parents wouldn't like it? Would they not appreciate any FPS games? There are a few good ones you could get, but from the looks of it, it doesn't seem like your parents would be okay with that.

Then again, you do have Dead Space on your PS3...?

wfz said:
The ignorant Wii Music hate is hilarious. Unless of course you've actually spent time with the game, then my apologies.

I'd recommend Mario Party 8, any of the Rayman games (there are 3 now I think), MKWii, and Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution 2. That's just off the top of my head.

Also, SSBB is hardly a brutal or violent game, so what are the reasons your parents wouldn't like it? Would they not appreciate any FPS games? There are a few good ones you could get, but from the looks of it, it doesn't seem like your parents would be okay with that.

Then again, you do have Dead Space on your PS3...?

i haven't actually played Wii Music, but from what I have read/seen, my gut makes me feel that my family wont spend a very long time with it, before they get bored. So I am enjoying myself by soiling Wii Music for no good reasons

And my parents don't care what I play, the reason for why I think that they will not like SSBB is because it is too fast paced, and my parents don't like spending a long time with a game, to learn the way it works.

This leads me to conclude that only my brothers, potentially myself, would play it, and they would hand me and my parents asses to us, which also happens to be the reason for why my parents wont like to play it very much (while my brothers are there at least). Don't get me wrong, it is still high on the list, I just think that there would be better options. Like MKWii.

In addition to MKWii, DEFINITELY get Animal Crossing

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Ah alright, that makes sense. Then how about getting COD5? The Conduit is also coming out next year, but those idiot developers aren't putting in split screen. -_-

I'm definitely keeping a lookout for when Red Steel 2 comes out. I loved the first game and still play it with my friends, but I realize that this game has some problems that would make it not fun at all for many people. Considering that Ubisoft makes the sequel better by taking out the bad but leaving in and putting more of the uniqueness and greatness in the first game, it should be great!

So, you're looking for games that don't have a very steep learning curve, and that you can pick up and easily have fun with right away, right?