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Okay, this is really wierd for me.

My parents are seperated, and my brothers and I shift from living with our mom to our dad and vice versa every sunday. So I get home to my dad, and we are told that there are no presents for advents (We have that in Denmark, only small packages of course).

Then my dad takes my two younger brothers for a drive, while my stepmother tells me that there is in fact presents and I am going to open them all up. And what is it? A Wii. With an extra controller.

At this point I am slightly baffled, but my stepmother tells me that this is for the entire family and counts for two advents presents. I am now less baffled, though still baffled. Now it becomes my job to plug in the Wii and set it up before my dad and brothers come home.

Now, I can say that it was a success, but there is only so much fun you can have with Wii Sports (and my parents agree).

So I want to have your suggestions for what a good family game for the Wii could be. My brothers are both 14 years old, and will play pretty much anything that is fun.

My first thought was MKWii and then SSBB (But I don't think SSBB is something my parents would like). I'm mainly after good multiplayer experiences here, and I don't really know what good games there would be for both my brothers and my parents. Oh, and we already have Guitar Hero for PS2, in case anyone would suggest that.

Also, the Wii is not connected to the internet, I have no idea if it ever will be, so I would like to emphazise that I am looking for local multiplayer experiences

Thanks in advance


I am going to use this to my advantage of course, I have wanted to play some of the games on the Wii, but there hasn't been enough to justify buying one. So I will buy games for our Wii, that I can take with me when I move away from home, and get my own eventually.

Feel free to give some suggestions for that as well (I will be getting SMG, MadWorld, RE4 possibly and hopefully I will be able to track down a copy of Eternal Darkness).

EDIT: I will strangle anyone who says Wii Music, it is out of the question.