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Forums - Sales Discussion - Come on then, guess the life time sales of the upcoming PS3 exclusives

Simply predict the life time sales of the following PS3 exclusives, easy as that. I will make my predictions as well, just so giddy I am on a forum where people do not insult you for talking about game sales (numbers fancinate me :P)

Gran Turismo 5 - 10 million

Killzone 2 - 5 million

Heavy Rain - 800k

Infamous - 1.2 million

White Knight Chronicles - 700k

Team ICO's next game - 900k

God Of War III - 3 million

Uncharted 2 - 3 million


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Gran Turismo 5 - 10 million

Killzone 2 - 3 million

Heavy Rain - 1 million

Infamous - 750k

White Knight Chronicles - 1.5m

Team ICO's next game - 750k

God Of War III - 3 million

Uncharted 2 - 4 million

Ratchet & Clank - 2 million

The GT5 sales seem too low to me, no doubt in my mind that it will sell 10 million. *wishes people don't come up with the low install base bullshit*


Why would WKC sell only 1.5million copies?


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Gran Turismo: Tough to tell, the user bases are so backwards this gen. I'll still say a healthy 7 million at the very least. Probably be more.

Killzone 2: Noway in heck its gonna be 5 mil. Killzone 1 managed 750,000 copies LTD, so I'm gonna go higher due to the fact that the games getting, while not alot more, more hype then the first title. 1.5 million.

Heavy Rain: We don't have numbers for Indigo Prophecy, but I have a bad feeling about it :/ 500k.

Infamous: PS3's version of Crackdown, but it looks better imo. 1.5 mil.

WKC: I really do have high hopes for this one. I also expect it to be the first 90+ average JRPG this gen, so 1 mil. (ADVERTISE THIS SONY)

Team ICO Next game: Heck I don't know, its not even been announced. N/A

God of War III: 2.7 mil. IT WILL BE AWESOME. And in between God of War 1 and 2 sales.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Gran Turismo 5 - 10 million is possible, but only through bundling. Since it's almost certain to be bundled (and the European PS3 sales will be huge when this game launches), I'd give it a slight chance. It definitely couldn't do it on its own.

Killzone 2 - This is really a tough one to say. I have no idea how it will sell, nor do most other people. 4.5 million is my rough guess.

Heavy Rain - I've heard very little about this game and I couldn't imagine it selling huge amounts. 500k lifetime?

Infamous - Could be a big hit like Uncharted, assuming the reviews and word of mouth are good. 1.8 million.

White Knight Chronicles - A lot of it depends on the Japanese sales, but I'd go with 750k lifetime.

Team ICO's next game - The last games weren't amazingly popular, so I don't see why this one would be either. 600k lifetime.

God Of War III - 2.8 million. It will definitely be a hit on the PS3, but it's just not a very big series.



@shadow blind

Killzone sold best in OTHERS, I remember reading it sold 2million + copies, let me see if I can find the link..


leo-j said:
Why would WKC sell only 1.5million copies?

Because jRPGs are still a niche in Europe, the biggest area for PS3, and they are not that big in the US

Sorry but i dont make predictions i make facts, well all i have to say is it is to soon to be saying what these games will sell

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st