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Gran Turismo 5 - 10 million is possible, but only through bundling. Since it's almost certain to be bundled (and the European PS3 sales will be huge when this game launches), I'd give it a slight chance. It definitely couldn't do it on its own.

Killzone 2 - This is really a tough one to say. I have no idea how it will sell, nor do most other people. 4.5 million is my rough guess.

Heavy Rain - I've heard very little about this game and I couldn't imagine it selling huge amounts. 500k lifetime?

Infamous - Could be a big hit like Uncharted, assuming the reviews and word of mouth are good. 1.8 million.

White Knight Chronicles - A lot of it depends on the Japanese sales, but I'd go with 750k lifetime.

Team ICO's next game - The last games weren't amazingly popular, so I don't see why this one would be either. 600k lifetime.

God Of War III - 2.8 million. It will definitely be a hit on the PS3, but it's just not a very big series.