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Gran Turismo: Tough to tell, the user bases are so backwards this gen. I'll still say a healthy 7 million at the very least. Probably be more.

Killzone 2: Noway in heck its gonna be 5 mil. Killzone 1 managed 750,000 copies LTD, so I'm gonna go higher due to the fact that the games getting, while not alot more, more hype then the first title. 1.5 million.

Heavy Rain: We don't have numbers for Indigo Prophecy, but I have a bad feeling about it :/ 500k.

Infamous: PS3's version of Crackdown, but it looks better imo. 1.5 mil.

WKC: I really do have high hopes for this one. I also expect it to be the first 90+ average JRPG this gen, so 1 mil. (ADVERTISE THIS SONY)

Team ICO Next game: Heck I don't know, its not even been announced. N/A

God of War III: 2.7 mil. IT WILL BE AWESOME. And in between God of War 1 and 2 sales.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.