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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Afterall how do you define exclusive?

Many people talk about Alan Wake as a X360 exclusive. If it debuts in PC also how can People say this?

We all know that X360 and Windows are properties of Microsoft, but that doesn't make it the same platform!


This is just an example. There are others like considering Spore PC exclusive having it available for DS and iPhone though.

Afterall what is an exclusive?

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Depends what you want to hear. I mostly don't count PC in the equation. I look at console exclusivity instead.

You have to think that Games for Windows is pretty much the same thing as Live (you use the same account), and it usually only runs on Windows' latest OS's too.

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An exclusive to me is something only available on a single gaming platform. This includes iPhone, and PC, but it's imperative that the experience of the game be largely the same. I would not discount Spore as a PC exclusive because the DS version is so markedly different in it's experience, because if I remember correctly it takes out many features of the game, not just graphics. But I would discount games such as the new Platformer said to be coming to PSN, since it is available with almost exactly the same features on PC


If it's on any other available platform and it offers the same game (relatively), then it isn't exclusive.

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Well, I think an exclusive is a game only on ONE platform.

A console exclusive, which many people preach as exclusives, which often go onto exclusive lists, is a game only on ONE of the Big Three: PS3, Wii and X360.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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One_touch_KO said:

Many people talk about Alan Wake as a X360 exclusive. If it debuts in PC also how can People say this?

We all know that X360 and Windows are properties of Microsoft, but that doesn't make it the same platform!


This is just an example. There are others like considering Spore PC exclusive having it available for DS and iPhone though.

Afterall what is an exclusive?


Spore is also coming to the Wii, and possibly even the PS360


And if you stay on this site for a while, you'll find that timed exclusivity is almost as good as actual exclusivity. Look at sales of the GTA games on the PS2, xbox and PC

Exclusive to me, means not available anywhere else.

Console Exclusive - excludes PC release
HD Console Exclusive - excludes Wii release



Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


outlawauron said:
If it's on any other available platform and it offers the same game (relatively), then it isn't exclusive.


This! I completely agree! How can people claim Halo as a Xbox exclusive makes me dizzy @_@

i don't consider those PC games, exclusive.

exclusive it's they appear only on certain console.

PC exclusive :Crysis you only can't play it on PC, if ported to either console, it's no longer a exclusive

PS3: little big planet only a PS3 version exist if ported to the PSP being the same game, story, gameplay music

and any of those 2, ports get released then game it's no longer a exclusive.

same for the people say about timed exclusive, its exclusive til the port version it's released.