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Kingdom under Fire looks fantastic on screens, but will probably look less impressive in motion, and the game overall will be mediocre.

SO 4 looks amazing for a J-RPG but the game itself is a piece of crap of course (manga girls in arena fights, lol).

Halo Wars looks great in motion too, specially for an RTS.

Alan Wake not sure if it's grafix are the absolute best any longer, but overall the game will be by far the best in 2009 (94% on Gamerankings).

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Munkeh111 said:
@ selnor, the Conviction shots matter little as DMJ says they have gone back to the drawing board on it


 There is no evidence for this. DMJ link please. It's the same as Alan Wake they just didnt release any more footage for a year. We will have some very soon.

LINKS please.

Slimebeast said:
Kingdom under Fire looks fantastic on screens, but will probably look less impressive in motion, and the game overall will be mediocre.

SO 4 looks amazing for a J-RPG but the game itself is a piece of crap of course (manga girls in arena fights, lol).

Halo Wars looks great in motion too, specially for an RTS.

Alan Wake not sure if it's grafix are the absolute best any longer, but overall the game will be by far the best in 2009 (94% on Gamerankings).


 Dude. Really? So I guess you missed the video of KUF2 actually being played? I posted it after the shots and it looks better in motion. LOL. Watch it in HD to and you will realise that it's all ingame engine. SO4 looks far better than FF13.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Soriku said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
selnor said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
bRoKeN said:
dam man. didnt know gears looked that good. kingdom under fire 2 looks really fun. make a ps3 one :o

This all the way!

Star Ocean 4 is gonna be awesome, and is the ONLY reason im gonna jump in.


Hey at least then you can try LO and Tales of Vesperia. Even Blue Dragon is a decent JRPG. It wouldnt hurt to play these after Star Ocean 4. And then LO 2, Cry On and BD2 are all next to come from Hironobu Sakaguchi. :)


Lol, i know but i dont really care for the Tales series, the only tales game i liked was Legendia for the PS2.

And i played blue dragon @ my local blockbuster it was crap, and the graphics... *sigh* i expectd more...

The only one besides Star Ocean 4 i'd buy for my 360 (when i get one) would be LO because i tryed that one @ my local walmart and damn it was pretty sweet, its no final fantasy but its better then enchanted arms at the very least.

Also i'd give IU a rent since im a Tri-Ace Fanboy. :D



Which Tales games have you played? Legendia is supposed to be one of the more mediocre ones. If you liked that then you'll be amazed by the rest.

Legendia... and Abyss...thats all lol...and i only played abyss for like what...2 hours? and never went back, clocked in @ 41 hours with Legendia...

I heard alot of good things about the gamecube one but never got around to getting it cause i heard the story was plain and gameplay was a watered down Star Ocean Till the end of time. :P



Man, lol, the most watered down story ever is TTeoT. Not that I didn't love it, but it was very generic.

That said, you should play Symphonia....but Vesperia is the best Tales game ever made. You'd go crazy over it. Everyone does.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Soriku said:
SO4 just looks so amazing :O Seriously...what did tri-Ace do to make it look that awesome? It looks better than FF XIII, graphically too. The rest of the stuff is nice as well but don't interest me.

Well since those shots of SO4 are CGI n you think there is a comparison with FFXIII shows how powerful FFXIII's in-game grfx are.

on the other hand....SO4 looks brilliant & epic...if it doesn't come to PS3 I will most definetely "jump in".

The rest meh.....Alan wake only interests me.


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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cant wait for Halo Wars

selnor said:
Slimebeast said:
Kingdom under Fire looks fantastic on screens, but will probably look less impressive in motion, and the game overall will be mediocre.

SO 4 looks amazing for a J-RPG but the game itself is a piece of crap of course (manga girls in arena fights, lol).

Halo Wars looks great in motion too, specially for an RTS.

Alan Wake not sure if it's grafix are the absolute best any longer, but overall the game will be by far the best in 2009 (94% on Gamerankings).


 Dude. Really? So I guess you missed the video of KUF2 actually being played? I posted it after the shots and it looks better in motion. LOL. Watch it in HD to and you will realise that it's all ingame engine. SO4 looks far better than FF13.


SO FAR SO4 looks better, not going to be that way for long though. No way are SE going to allow there games (FFXIII and Versus) to look worse then a game made by one of there side teams. I will keep you happy by saying SO4 looks better but that is obviously not the case, the few FFXIII and Versus in game pics blow away SO4 but as I have not yet seen the games in motion I will not make too many comments just yet.


selnor said:
Slimebeast said:
Kingdom under Fire looks fantastic on screens, but will probably look less impressive in motion, and the game overall will be mediocre.

SO 4 looks amazing for a J-RPG but the game itself is a piece of crap of course (manga girls in arena fights, lol).

Halo Wars looks great in motion too, specially for an RTS.

Alan Wake not sure if it's grafix are the absolute best any longer, but overall the game will be by far the best in 2009 (94% on Gamerankings).


 Dude. Really? So I guess you missed the video of KUF2 actually being played? I posted it after the shots and it looks better in motion. LOL. Watch it in HD to and you will realise that it's all ingame engine. SO4 looks far better than FF13.

On my current PC the HD-clips on gametrailers run in slow motion, but Im sure the grafix in the trailer look good in motion, but Im guessning in the actual game it wont look that good cuz theres just too much stuff happening on the screen at the same time and japanese developers have never made cutting edge 3D grafix in the last decade.


selnor said:
Munkeh111 said:
@ selnor, the Conviction shots matter little as DMJ says they have gone back to the drawing board on it


 There is no evidence for this. DMJ link please. It's the same as Alan Wake they just didnt release any more footage for a year. We will have some very soon.

LINKS please.

Well quite a lot of it is rumours, but this is what Kotaku says about it, indicating that the game has certainly changed. The links on that page help explain as well

Trust me Selnor

If you don't see any new shots of a game that was previously announced and had a release date for a year, it certainly isn't a good thing. And especially since the release time-frame for the game is April 09 to March 10. There's a good likelihood it won't even make 09, and an ever more higher likelihood that a game that was supposed to launch in November of 07 that hasn't had a new screen since before then, and was cancelled to at least two years later is being seriously re-worked.

Also there is the link Munkeh gave.