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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will Christmas give R2 & LBP give the Sales they deserve?

Those 2 are on my christmas list top so, thats a +1 for both from me.

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If all games got the sales they deserved, Burnout Paradise would have sold 1000 copies and Shadow of the Colossus would be a billion seller.

Christmas will give both a nice boost, however, especially LBP.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I think R2 has got the sales it deserves. That game was Insomniacs worst effort in all the years I have followed them.

LBP depends on how well this big marketing in December works. At the moment I am not seeing much happening, so chances of the game exploding in sales are slim. Now if a LBP cartoon shows up on TV, Sackboy toys are made, McDonalds gets LBP toys, and companies like Disney/Coke/Nike get behind it commercialy, then the game will take off. But for now, I am going to stick LBP in the could have been colum, and hope Sony does better with Home, and Killzone 2.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Deserve is opinion, however both games, particularly LBP, will sell fine in the end as most PS3 titles that are 'decent' or above sell steadily at a low level for yonks.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

fulcizombie said:
they will continue to sell like shit .I can't wait for the November and December NPDs. I also love how some people have excuses for everything .


Who listens to you anyway?  You have nothing positive to say about anything related to PS3 anyway.  uncharted's sales are imaginary, right?...


Resistance2 is sold out over here, although I can't figure out why this title is at 72 euros in some stores, while other games are at 55 or 60.

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they have already what they deserve. No more nor less.

papflesje said:
fulcizombie said:
they will continue to sell like shit .I can't wait for the November and December NPDs. I also love how some people have excuses for everything .


Who listens to you anyway?  You have nothing positive to say about anything related to PS3 anyway.  uncharted's sales are imaginary, right?...


Resistance2 is sold out over here, although I can't figure out why this title is at 72 euros in some stores, while other games are at 55 or 60.

I know that it hurts how sony with its "amazing" 1st party studios doesn't have a hit exclusive game for a 2nd holiday season in a row but unfortunately npd and the various european charts that we get on a weekly basis don't lie.

LBP ads are always on TV here in mum noticed them too..n said "hey isn't that the game you've got....I'd like to play it"

I was shocked....cus she NEVER plays PS3.

so I think LBP is already showing will continue to show them....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I couldn't care less about what they do. I enjoy the games that I want, and that's all that matters to me.

You however seem to want to bash whatever sony brings out, whether it is good or not.
Uncharted sold 2 million, but those sales are imaginary to you (even though those NPD and European charts you love to refer to, affirm its sales).

I wonder what you would say if it was the other way around, with R2 selling like crazy and GoW2 not selling at all. Would you also go "it hurts, when MS-backed games doesn't have ..."?

Of course LBP will get the sales it deserves! The prelaunch marketing campaign must do something, right?

(Of course, please define how many mill. does it deserve).

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