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Forums - Sony Discussion - GOW3 trailer in VGA 08 will include realtime gameplay footage.

Well, Jaffe isn't really even working on this game. He may have helped and get a special thanks, but the credit belongs to the folks at Santa Monica. Heck, I don't even know who the lead designer is now that Barlog is gone.

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According to Wikipedia, the lead designer is... damn, it doesn't say.

Cory Barlog and David Jaffe both worked on it though, so it should be awesome.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I cant fucking wait for it.


It's going to be a good day... pity it is on in the evening US time... I won't be able to see it until Monday evening then... (school on monday) but I should still get the Final Fantasy XIII footage!

The big question is what to Sony still have up their sleeve? That BBC game and presumable there are others. Oh and these games better look incredible, and Eight Days better be released

I am really excited for this game and I can't wait until it comes out. I hope they announce a release date soon. I got to see that video the minute it gets online!


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I can't fucking wait!
Hell fuckety yeah!