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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wait. Games of Quarter 1 2009 belongs to?

If we're talking about sales, then yes 360 will outsell the ps3 because of Halo. In terms of quality, IMHO, it's PS3. IMO SO4 is the only worth while exclusive for the 360 and then theres the bunch of multi plats (which will sell more on the 360, especially RE4). Also, I don't think Ninja Blade will be out by then, there hasn't been much on it since TGS so I'm skeptical about it's release date, may come out in June or so. Also, isn't WKC supposed to come out before April? If so, that makes the PS3's line up for Q1 look even better (again, for me).

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Look, all I am saying is Q1 (Jan - April) and taking from the relase dates, the 360 has more exclusives(good or bad). Yes Killzone will be great and so will Halo 4 and SO4. Also, I think it is still pre mature to think one consoles will have better exclusive than the other based on unknown release date and Other unannounced titles. I agree if GOW3 and GT5 both are release later this year, Microsoft wil need something ver big to top those 2 Dynamic Duo but we don't know if they are going to be released this year or not. Same thing with Killzone 2 and Halo Wars, they were originally going to be released in 2008 but was push back to 2009. Things can change you know.

I still think Halo Wars and SO4 is better because they are not just another shooter. I like variety in my gaming.

Soriku said:
Stats87 said:
Soriku said:
SO4 > Any other HD game in 2009. 360 wins.


are we talking about release worldwide? or can it hit anywhere? (i.e. Japan)

because if only the latter matters, I'm predicting FFXIII will be better.


WW. The game has no chance of coming over until 2010 so Westerners like us can't necessarily argue which is best because it won't release here =/ On the other hand, SO4 comes in 3-4 months. Tbh in 2009 the HD consoles are pathrtic JRPG wise. Maybe not in quality, but quantity. WW the 360 only has SO4 and WW the PS3 only has WKC. Thanfully for a Wii owner like myself, it has Fragile, Tales (WW release please? D:), Arc Rise, Muramasa, Kizuna, Rune Factory, etc. :P

Sorry Soriku


but FFXIII demo >>>> SO4 + all Wii JRPG's x100!!!!


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

MontanaHatchet said:
RayRay102 said:
Just as I thought when I made this topic.

It is the same old same old from the Sony fanboys.

1. Halo 3 won't sell, Ninja Blade look stupid, or I hate RPG now, or GTA4 DLC do not count.

2. If we are going to use this same excuse evertime, what about motorstorm 2, Lair, Haze, folklord and the other PS3 exclusives. These games don't sell well and bombed hard in sales.

3. Also, stop talking about games that in the future and totally ignored the topic. I even said Killzone will be a great game an I will buy it but in America but the truth is Microsoft has more exclusives coming out in Q1 of 2009. It is a fact.

1. Halo 3 won't sell? It's already come out and sold over 8 million. I don't think anyone said Ninja Blade looked "stupid." A lot of 360 fans completely hated RPGs until the 360 was the console that had them. And by the way, downloadable content does not count as a game. It never will unless you're buying a game itself. If I bought Elder Scrolls, and then I bought horse armor, would I have two games? No.

2. What excuse? You're making things up again. Motorstorm 2 has only been out for a couple weeks, and exclusives have bombed on every platform. I don't even know what you're trying to prove.

3. Don't talk about games in the future? That's the entire point of this thread! Games that haven't come out yet. And it's a fact that the 360 has more exclusives coming out? Are we counting Arcade/PSN games? Why don't you find out for sure instead of naming a few games you think will be good? I wouldn't doubt it, but the lists so far seem pretty biased.



 No.  But you would if you bought Elder Scrolls and then bought Elder Scrolls: Shivering Isles or Knights of the Nine, which is precisely what Lost and Damned is.  A new character, new story, new music, new cars, new missions--the works. 

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

@ soriku

really! didnt know that

and we have LKS out in march (at least for europeans:P) and Muramasa in november. i really want vallhalla knights! seems to be kinda like monster hunter tri which also looks amazing

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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Back from my match. Sorry if I seemed rude Ray, I just don't like trolling. Most people don't here. So long as you can have discussions in a manner that you can be respectful to all consoles, I have no problem wit'cha.



thekitchensink said:
MontanaHatchet said:
RayRay102 said:
Just as I thought when I made this topic.

It is the same old same old from the Sony fanboys.

1. Halo 3 won't sell, Ninja Blade look stupid, or I hate RPG now, or GTA4 DLC do not count.

2. If we are going to use this same excuse evertime, what about motorstorm 2, Lair, Haze, folklord and the other PS3 exclusives. These games don't sell well and bombed hard in sales.

3. Also, stop talking about games that in the future and totally ignored the topic. I even said Killzone will be a great game an I will buy it but in America but the truth is Microsoft has more exclusives coming out in Q1 of 2009. It is a fact.

1. Halo 3 won't sell? It's already come out and sold over 8 million. I don't think anyone said Ninja Blade looked "stupid." A lot of 360 fans completely hated RPGs until the 360 was the console that had them. And by the way, downloadable content does not count as a game. It never will unless you're buying a game itself. If I bought Elder Scrolls, and then I bought horse armor, would I have two games? No.

2. What excuse? You're making things up again. Motorstorm 2 has only been out for a couple weeks, and exclusives have bombed on every platform. I don't even know what you're trying to prove.

3. Don't talk about games in the future? That's the entire point of this thread! Games that haven't come out yet. And it's a fact that the 360 has more exclusives coming out? Are we counting Arcade/PSN games? Why don't you find out for sure instead of naming a few games you think will be good? I wouldn't doubt it, but the lists so far seem pretty biased.



 No.  But you would if you bought Elder Scrolls and then bought Elder Scrolls: Shivering Isles or Knights of the Nine, which is precisely what Lost and Damned is.  A new character, new story, new music, new cars, new missions--the works. 

lol at this post


jerseyboy609 said:
thekitchensink said:
MontanaHatchet said:
RayRay102 said:
Just as I thought when I made this topic.

It is the same old same old from the Sony fanboys.

1. Halo 3 won't sell, Ninja Blade look stupid, or I hate RPG now, or GTA4 DLC do not count.

2. If we are going to use this same excuse evertime, what about motorstorm 2, Lair, Haze, folklord and the other PS3 exclusives. These games don't sell well and bombed hard in sales.

3. Also, stop talking about games that in the future and totally ignored the topic. I even said Killzone will be a great game an I will buy it but in America but the truth is Microsoft has more exclusives coming out in Q1 of 2009. It is a fact.

1. Halo 3 won't sell? It's already come out and sold over 8 million. I don't think anyone said Ninja Blade looked "stupid." A lot of 360 fans completely hated RPGs until the 360 was the console that had them. And by the way, downloadable content does not count as a game. It never will unless you're buying a game itself. If I bought Elder Scrolls, and then I bought horse armor, would I have two games? No.

2. What excuse? You're making things up again. Motorstorm 2 has only been out for a couple weeks, and exclusives have bombed on every platform. I don't even know what you're trying to prove.

3. Don't talk about games in the future? That's the entire point of this thread! Games that haven't come out yet. And it's a fact that the 360 has more exclusives coming out? Are we counting Arcade/PSN games? Why don't you find out for sure instead of naming a few games you think will be good? I wouldn't doubt it, but the lists so far seem pretty biased.



 No.  But you would if you bought Elder Scrolls and then bought Elder Scrolls: Shivering Isles or Knights of the Nine, which is precisely what Lost and Damned is.  A new character, new story, new music, new cars, new missions--the works. 

lol at this post


I assume it would be too much to ask for an actual rebuttal -_-


I'm not a deranged fanboy of any console, but the fact is that Lost and Damned will provide a new gaming experience, and therefore must be factored in.  I suppose Blizzard didn't just have a massive hit on their hands with World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King?  And there have only been two games in the Sims series?


Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
tombi123 said:

Ninja Blade is hardly a proven game. It should not be listed. Is Halo Wars confirmed for a February release? I thought it was later... probably am wrong though. GTA DLC is not an expansion pack, it is smaller than that...

Star Ocean 4 is the only big hitter. Personally I don't like any of the previous SO, so it is not for me. But then again, I don't like FPS, so Killzone 2 is not for me either.

I am pretty sure there is more than just Killzone 2 for the PS3 though. Heavy Rain and Infamous are supposed to be early 2009 titles. 

EDIT: PS3 also might have White Knight Chronicles and Wardevil in Q1 2009. So I would say its pretty even. Just based on personal tastes I would go for the PS3. WHC looks f***ing ace!


 i agree Ninja Blade isn't a proven game so idk why ppl are talking about it, it just like wat Too Human was suppose to be, and we all know too human sucked (i tried the demo and it was boring, my bro brought the game like a idiot, and he hasnt touch it since he brought it)

star ocean ok, halo wars, lol. i was looking foward to Halo Wars until i found out ensemble studios was making the game. ensemble makes age of empires, and that series is one of the worst stragety games out there. you want a real stragety game, then get Empire Total War for PC coming out in feburary. NOTE-not to mention ensemble studios closes after the completion of halo wars, so they have no reason to make it any good cause regardless they are out of a job

Killzone 2 only, i saw in gamestop that God Of War 3 might come out in march, but then again most ps3 exclusives weren't given offical release dates yet so we just have to wait and see

shio said:
Seriously why is there this PS3 vs 360 arguement here? Neither of them are anywhere near the best Q1 09 lineup.

I had no idea Starcraft II was coming out so soon. Time flies I guess... most people I know are looking forward to Diablo III more though.

But yeah, I agree - if SCII is anything like the quality of their past games, PC > HD consoles (I'll need to buy a new comp though...)