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tombi123 said:

Ninja Blade is hardly a proven game. It should not be listed. Is Halo Wars confirmed for a February release? I thought it was later... probably am wrong though. GTA DLC is not an expansion pack, it is smaller than that...

Star Ocean 4 is the only big hitter. Personally I don't like any of the previous SO, so it is not for me. But then again, I don't like FPS, so Killzone 2 is not for me either.

I am pretty sure there is more than just Killzone 2 for the PS3 though. Heavy Rain and Infamous are supposed to be early 2009 titles. 

EDIT: PS3 also might have White Knight Chronicles and Wardevil in Q1 2009. So I would say its pretty even. Just based on personal tastes I would go for the PS3. WHC looks f***ing ace!


 i agree Ninja Blade isn't a proven game so idk why ppl are talking about it, it just like wat Too Human was suppose to be, and we all know too human sucked (i tried the demo and it was boring, my bro brought the game like a idiot, and he hasnt touch it since he brought it)

star ocean ok, halo wars, lol. i was looking foward to Halo Wars until i found out ensemble studios was making the game. ensemble makes age of empires, and that series is one of the worst stragety games out there. you want a real stragety game, then get Empire Total War for PC coming out in feburary. NOTE-not to mention ensemble studios closes after the completion of halo wars, so they have no reason to make it any good cause regardless they are out of a job

Killzone 2 only, i saw in gamestop that God Of War 3 might come out in march, but then again most ps3 exclusives weren't given offical release dates yet so we just have to wait and see